in putting “useless eaters” in camps and killing them.

Add on top of that a heatwave that won’t break until next week and all the general news about Biden and Trump has made me kind of existential dread modeing. What the fuck do we do?

  • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
    3 months ago

    I’ve basically come to the conclusion that most people I know are pretty fucking awful, at least in terms of their politics, even if they’re nice to me. I really don’t bother myself with it anymore, I just live my life and enjoy their company and change the topic whenever politics comes up.

    I’ve basically given up on any prospect of there being an imperial core left movement and it’s honestly taken away a lot of anxiety for me. I just grill and wait for Xi to rightfully nuke me and all my shitty cracker friends and family.