Jardine Matheson is a firm based in Hong Kong but incorporated in the tax haven of Bermuda. Its owners, the Keswick family, have helped to bankroll the Tory party, an anti-EU group and the pro-union Better Together campaign to the tune of nearly £2m.

The company dates back to the 1800s and its two original founders include a Dumfriesshire ancestor accused of sparking the Opium Wars, which led Hong Kong to become a British colony.

Now the family owns estates spanning thousands of hectares in south west Scotland. The vast majority (£82,000) of its Scottish donations went to the Dumfries and Galloway Tories and local politician, David Mundell (£18,000).

Jardine Matheson was founded in Hong Kong in 1832 by William Jardine, from Dumfriesshire, and James Matheson, from Sutherland, to trade tea and opium.