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The original was posted on /r/cfb by /u/ark_47 on 2024-12-21 21:27:01+00:00.
The talks about teams like Indiana and SMU not belonging are so infuriating as a College Football enjoyer. They both took care of their business during the regular season. They couldn’t control the strength of their schedule since we see games regularly being scheduled 5 to 10 years in advance. But the main point is that both teams losing weren’t even the worst losses we have seen in the CFP era. Indiana, score wise, wasn’t even a blowout!
20 out of 32 playoff games, all time, have been 14+ point blowouts. 62.5%. I am in favor of the expanded playoffs because it makes the regular season more important in the long run. I am not in favor of people being dense and acting like better teams beating other teams, by a big margin, is something new for the CFP.
2 Oregon def. 3 Florida State 59-20
4 Ohio State def. 2 Oregon 42-20
1 Clemson def. 4 Oklahoma 37-17
2 Alabama def. 3 Michigan State 38-0
1 Alabama def. 4 Washington 24-7
2 Clemson def. 3 Ohio State 31-0
4 Alabama def. 1 Clemson 24-6
2 Clemson def. 3 Notre Dame 30-3
2 Clemson def. 1 Alabama 44-16
1 LSU def. 4 Oklahoma 63-28
1 LSU def. Clemson 42-25
1 Alabama def. 4 Notre Dame 31-14
3 Ohio State def. 2 Clemson 49-28
1 Alabama def 3 Ohio State 52-24
1 Alabama def. 4 Cincinnati 27-6
3 Georgia def. 2 Michigan 34-11
3 Georgia def. 1 Alabama 33-18
1 Georgia def. 3 TCU 65-7
1 Michigan def. 2 Washington 34-13
6 Penn State def. 11 SMU 38-10