Cave Story - Lemmy.world
lemmy.worldA fan-run, fan-powered community dedicated to the creations of Daisuke “Pixel”
Amaya. Do not hesitate to message the moderators
[https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fcavestory]! This is a
fan-run, fan-powered community for Cave Story and all things Studio Pixel.
Something’s written on the community… > Dedicated to those that always maintain
a sense of exploration. External links: Official Websites * Studio Pixel
[http://studiopixel.jp/] ^JA * Cave Story+
[http://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/cave-story-plus-switch] (Nintendo Switch)
Nintendo game detail listing * Cave Story+
[http://steamcommunity.com/app/200900] (Win/Mac/Linux) Steam Community * Kero
Blaster [http://steamcommunity.com/app/292500] (Win) Steam Community * Cave
Story 3D [http://www.nisamerica.com/games/cave-story/] (3DS) NIS America * Cave
Story 3D [http://nippon1.jp/consumer/cavestory3D/] (3DS) Nippon Ichi Software
^JA * Cave Story [http://cavestory-dsi.com/] (DSiWare) asterizm ^JA Twitter *
studiopixel.jp [http://studiopixel.jp] / @StudioPixelJP
[https://twitter.com/StudioPixelJP] ^JA * Cave Story / @CaveStory
[https://twitter.com/CaveStory] * pxtone / @oxizm [https://twitter.com/oxizm]
^JA * Amaya@Pixel / @oxizn [https://twitter.com/oxizn] ^JA * Nicalis, Inc. /
@nicalis [https://twitter.com/nicalis] * PLAYISM / @playismEN
[https://twitter.com/playismEN] Other Fan Things * Cave Story Discord
[https://discord.gg/bE7PSnV] (run by u/dawndus
[https://www.reddit.com/u/dawndus]) * Cave Story, A Tribute Site
[http://cavestory.org/] * Cave Story LiveJournal Community
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