The non-maga population and the left don’t have any leadership. They have representatives in federal and state offices but they are really not leaders. The media may call them leaders but are they though? Does anyone really look to Chuck Schumer or Peolsi and say “Yes, these people are motivating me to step out of my comfort zone and do whats best for the country.” NOPE.
There are some people in power that are being vocal and I think that is great, but honestly they haven’t moved the needle to amping up the base to go out and protest, to support a general strike or any other disruption that will make an impression on the powers that be. The non-trumpers and left need, desperately, strong vocal leadership that goes to the people, draws on the fear and anger and uses the energy that comes from that to build a solid resistance.
The assumption that everyone else in the country is just him, an able bodied person of working age is telling of how much thought this person put into their vote.
Also the assumption that they will be able to get another job of equal pay even with keeping up his skills. That is a big and stupid gamble.