One of the highest rated entries on my list of “shitty people making great music”
One of the highest rated entries on my list of “shitty people making great music”
This is a bit strange
“Do good around the world” by creating a fake social media app to sow civil unrest in Cuba? We’ve got different ideas of “good,” I think.
I would’ve given kudos to Bush, Obama, Trump(1), or Biden if they did this. The only one calling this a “genius move” is you, it’s just logical.
America should not be the world police. We never should’ve been in the international situation we are now. A literally uncountable amount of money spend over the past few decades for what? American poverty is higher than ever, our infrastructure is worse than ever, and American perception abroad is worse than ever. All this dispite bankrupting ourselves to help countries that don’t like us and topple regimes that we don’t like. Humanitarianism.
“Soft power,” fuck off, I don’t want hundreds of billions of black dollars being spent to undermine the sovereignty and merit of foreign countries.
Broken clock. This should’ve happened several presidents ago. It’s a shame that Trump will get credit for maybe the best foreign policy decision in modern US politics
“Is this a subaru?”
OOTL, what happened?
FWIW there are still loads of people/bands in the punk scene who loathe Green Day specifically for how commercial they went. No clue about the press or fans, but plenty of venues around here where I’d be laughed out of for mentioning Green Day in a serious punk context
Came here to mention industry plants, too. There’s no “selling out” for the most part because most major artists are controlled from day one by the industry, versus back in the day when they needed to scrape their knuckles on their own to appeal to a major label. Social media and The Algorithm lets the labels build careers out of nothing.
Which one of her dozen beachfront mansions did she take her private jet to to cry in afterwards?
Knowing your state/municipality would probably help, but as someone whose family member was involved in a similar situation, there’s literally nothing you can do. And for that matter, if you do anything in developing that land that might impact the mining company’s access, you’re going to be paying for those damages, too.
Bandcamp isn’t mainstream? Damn, sometimes I’m reminded just how far outside of the mainstream I really am. There’s Boomkat but they’re far smaller than BC.
To be pedantic, the music on a CD is digital, it’s just kept in a physical factor. You’re right that most artists don’t sell digital music files anymore. Every now and again an artist will include a one-time download code with a physical purchase. It’s really bad for business and posterity. Streaming (and grey-market streaming rip DLs) are the only way to listen to loads of music.
They won’t. Movements like these are created by wealthy trust fund Ivy League-ers with a chip on their shoulder at their given privilege who want to fetishize the working class and want to earn social justice points from “the poors.” It never once crosses these folks’ minds that people aren’t joining their movement because the risks are massive and the realistically expected gains are tiny.
Please try testing your hypothesis at the Korean DMZ
Well that’s kinda the point.
Walt is the definition of someone who overvalues himself and his role in an operation.
Hell, in that specific scenario that he’s referring to, Walt literally wasn’t the one who knocked because he got intercepted before he even got off his front porch.
I dont disagree that getting paywalled sucks (and won’t make any specific comments about The Atlantic) but the alternative is hypertargeted ads plastering every free pixel of the screen and invasive data-scraping.
It might just be a sign of getting older and managing my finances a bit better, but at this point in my life I don’t really cry much when i see good content put behind a paywall (again, no comments about *The Atlantic).
Paid subscription and you still shove ads at me? Fuck off.
Give me a 245, an ebay turbo charger, and a six pack to share with a friend and I’ll die happy when my turbowagon incinerates me
And yet when the US tries to back itself out of the “world police” role, the same critics who accuse America of being a warmonger have a meltdown. It’s a catch-22 situation for us anymore.
Oh goodness 😳😳
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