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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I find it so tiresome hearing about how cyclists are supposedly more entitled than motorists (or the other way around, since cyclists say the same things about drivers).

    Drivers routinely roll through stops, jockey for position, move erratically or dangerously, block crosswalks or bike lanes, distract themselves on their phones, get upset when mildly inconvenienced by having to underspeed behind a cyclist taking the lane for safety, etc.

    1. Being entitled and breaking the law to get places faster is universal; I think uou’re just acclimated to drivers doing it.

    2. The infrastructure is so car-oriented and bike-hostile that following the law often disadvantages cyclists or puts them at risk. That doesn’t justify, say, biking fast across a crosswalk, but sidewalk-riding on a 4-lane road without bike lanes? IMO it does.

    3. There’s bias here in treating the worst cyclist behaviour as being something condoned by cyclists at large. Kind of like if someone said “drivers just want to drag race around town”.

  • 0%: anywhere the payment happens before the service is provided, or for outright bad service

    10%: for service that is just taking and serving an order, for mediocre full service, or for lesser service at a place I just really like and want to support

    15%: for good “full” service (multiple orders, repeatedly checking in, etc)

    That’s what I go by and it seems very fair to me.

  • Like the Toronto teacher who was wearing those gigantic prosthetic breasts, this seems like one of those things that at surface level sounds unjust to the employee (“what they do outside of work is their own busoness” etc), but when you know the details it becomes clear that the employee has been doing a number of things to justify firing and has just been trying to spin a story of persecution to the media.

    Nothing inherently wrong IMO with a teacher doing porn so long as those two jobs are completely compartmentalized, but that’s also a very fine line, and I don’t get the impression (from the admittedly incomplete info of the news articles) that this person was doing that properly and in good faith.