Not doing the Hokey Pokey correctly. Yes, corporal punishment was still a thing. Yes, it mentally scarred me.
Not doing the Hokey Pokey correctly. Yes, corporal punishment was still a thing. Yes, it mentally scarred me.
I’m gonna call my tankie representative and senator and demand action. /s
You’re obsession with tankies is weird
This should be removed for changing the headline. It’s Red, White and Blue Land now. /s
Exactly. He should be disbarred in Ohio.
New Zealand in the house, good on ya. One question 🙋♀️, is everything I saw in Wellington Paranormal real?
If we’re not in a simulation then we have to be prepared for the fact that panpsychism is real, which is another reason we need universal healthcare.
IMHO this is so much more insidious. This isn’t just a rebranding, or even a power play by Musk or Trump. It is a restructuring of how the government works. A runaround of “the deep state” as they see it. Eventually all government appropriations will be funneled through the Executive Branch, leading to ever increasing power. The oligarchic industries that play ball will get subsidies further increasing the Executive power. Think Russia under Putin. The corporate oligarchs think they are going to control Trump with this strategy, but he will end up controlling them. Think Hitler.
That’s the simulation buffering. I won’t go into the math, because I don’t understand it, but as the universe expands, the quantum field is stretched. This requires more and more memory to access specific data. Every conscious thought, by an increasingly populated universe, contributes to this expansion and destabilization of memory. This entropy requires the simulation to compartmentalize data to make memory more efficient. It’s why the answer is always on the tip of your tongue. Eventually the connections will be so disparate along the quantum field that everyday tasks will take longer and longer.
TLDR: The universe has dementia.
My guess is China 🇨🇳
How long we gonna keep doing this? There’s a real possibility that Leon and Trump rigged the election, and those voters didn’t affect the outcome anyway. When we’re facing the Handmaid’s Tale, ya’ll gonna asks the people fighting with you who they voted for in 2024, and tell them they can’t participate and fight with you, because they made a poor decision on a Tuesday? You can be angry about it, but the time to move on is approaching fast.
Coercive reformism, good video about Donnie Darko that describes it.
Affirmative Action. Critical Race Theory. DEI. We fought a Civil War over this. People got lynched. There were protests. People got beaten, bitten by dogs and hosed with water over this. And for what? So it can be taken away with the stroke of a pen. It’s a shame.
It’s not a discussion or an argument. I decided 2 days ago. This was an explanation. It is, what it is.
don’t worry 😉 material conditions’bout to fix that
🙄 That’s exactly what he wants
I’m gonna say it. She looks like she smells like cat piss and coffee.
Sorry to all the cat owners, it had to be said