ejra212 [he/him/his]

Hiya, I am ejra212 [he/him/his], and I’m generally friendly, but if you’re a KKKraKKKer or a KKKumSSKKKin, then prepare for my wrath. I will avoid debate perverts like the plague. Don’t like it? Then fuck off. I’ve got problems in life, okay? Can’t deal with faSSciSStSS.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2023

  • Well, that’s why I love Roderic Day’s writing, it’s because of how simple, yet clear it is for someone who’s attention span varies. I love how relatable the essay is because I still remember when I was an anti-communist, a yanKKKee lover and a Trump supporter. visible-disgust (I know, you wouldn’t think that you’re hearing from a former KKKonSServative.) And oh my, I had a teacher who was quite progressive, and when I used to complain about communism, he mentioned Pinochet, and I dismissed the evidence at the time because it contradicted neoliberal ideology I used to believe in. So, for Day to mention about how weSSternerSS want to believe that our country is better than the Socialist nations is so true. Like yes, Iraq was bad, healthcare’s getting shittier, but this time, they’re telling the truth.

    And those same people will accuse us of being in a echo chamber, like fuck off, I live in a world where KKKaptaliSSt ideology is promoted in my face 24/7, I deal with liberal family members (I love my family, but please open your eyes,) I literally see liberaliSSm everywhere, on the media, YouTube, the news, and I’m like oh my lord, give me a break.

    Sorry, I can be pissed off at times, and I can chat a lot at times. But you are great. Please be safe and may you have ten thousand years of luck. fidel-salute

  • I personally think that you all were very patient with that KKKumSSKKKin (yes, I use these spellings at times.) I mean the fact that the uSSer was saying they didn’t give a shit about voting, and yet encouraged us to vote for fucking KKKopmala HarriSS means that they were either a weSStern leftiSSt, a shill for the DemoKKKratSS co-opting leftism, or a fucking troll.

    I mean personally, I have very little patience for time wasters like them, so thanks very glad to you and all dear comrades who tried to explain eleKKKtoraliSSm to that troll.



    I felt awful having to spell “leftist” like that, but it is for KKKraKKKerSS like em.

  • Well done Maduro. One should realize with the liberal and faSSciSSt shit on MuSSKKK’SS shitty website, it is a good idea to block such bourgeoiSS ideology. I hope Venezuela joins BRICS as soon as possible so they can give a big fuck you to the weSSt. ¡Viva la República Bolivariana de Venezuela! ¡Viva el Chavismo! ¡Viva Maduro! ¡Muerte a AmériKKKa! ¡Muerte al imperialiSSmo!



    Long live the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela! Long live Chavezism! Long live Maduro! Death to AmeriKKKa! Death to imperialiSSm!