• 26 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Of course. I’m not happy about many things, but that doesn’t give me the right to harass somebody.

    They are not being harassed, but are being shown in this way that their intentions and behavior are more than just shit

    Pointing out something politely is very different from jumping on a bandwagon and spamming an issue, or creating meme issues and meme pull requests. We should be better than that.

    Is that really what we want? Anything slightly popular making a misstep to be hounded by an online mob?

    This is not a misstep. They just don’t want to hire developers for Winamp and rather try to outsource the work to others for no cost. And then they call it copyleft while forbidding anyone to do anything else with the source code except sending them pull requests. That’s disrespectful, rude and simply shameless. This is fully calculated, not a misstep. If it was just a misstep, then I would agree with you about these meme pull requests and so on. Saying this, I absolutely understand why the receive such “feedback”.

  • This whole thing sounds more like a way to get some pull requests to fix their product for free. That’s not open source. The source code is simply available, that’s all. In the first run they even prohibited to fork it (!!!) while it is necessary to work on this project. They may fixed it, but you are still not allowed to do anything with it, only provide free work. Of course people are not happy with it.

    They should delete this repo and change their license if they want contributors for free. Or just hire programmers for money.

  • You described a problem you have with an OS you use, which I fix every day at work. No Linux, just Windows. It is the most normal thing, that drivers might not work or the Hardware is faulty. We often have to change something, try different things and you don’t need Linux to tinker around, the Windows environment offers enough opportunity to do so. And your problem sounds like a driver problem or maybe faulty hardware. It has nothing to do with Linux.

    You definitely don’t work in IT, otherwise you wouldn’t mentioned printing. Printers are evil beings itself and these fuckers don’t care wich OS you use, they just don’t want to work properly. Hardware supports depends on the kernel. That’s normal, Windows 7 also doesn’t support newest hardware. There is still nothing specific Linux. Regarding UI: KDE Neon is great, try it.

    Yeah, Windows has problems. But those arise more typically for advanced users (and that’s including Windows 11 being more and more broken over time).

    Would this be true, I probably would need to change my profession.

    But until the more boring stuff gets worked out, it’ll still be hard for it to be used more commonly, and thus harder for it to get more funding and usage as well.

    Because of your ethernet problem? I understand that you are mad for the problems you have now, but I wouldn’t use your experience with the ethernet NIC as a basis for the question how good all Linux distributions are usuable for everyday work.

    Idk, maybe it’s just Debian based distros these days and I’m behind in the curve. Fedora based ones like Bazzite haven’t given me issues so far at least.

    Look, drivers get updated or introduced in newer Linux kernels. You could decide which distribution you want to use depending on the kernel. amdgpu got fucked up since a specific release and my RX580 won’t work if it loads, so I am still using an older kernel. In Windows the drivers crashes often sadly. You need to look how well a specific hardware works and then decide which kernel you should use. We always do this on work with Windows and it is really needed, because manufactures sometimes don’t really care about there drivers and compatibility with newer Windows 10 versions or Windows 11.

    This is probably also the reason why you got downvoted so much, because you describe a generic, OS independent problem and then you blame Linux kernel for it and all Linux distributions, while you are using a specific distribution named Linux Mint. If you replace Linux with Window in your rant, it would be the same way wrong. But I hope that your problem gets fixed. You are free to describe your problem in specific communities, they probably might find a solution with you together.

  • Psychoanalysis is quackery. It was progressive at a certain point, but it got pretty fast reactionary.

    Had “age is just a number” always this implication or did it occure through the internet? I said it once to my grandmother back then, when she was sad, the she is not young anymore and will probably die soon. I have the feeling that phrases and words got “corrupted” over the time.

  • You can argue the same for North Korea for that matter. Those countries and others with material conditions considered “worse” than the US were and still are literally brutalized by US/Western imperialism.

    Of course they are brutalized. Thats why pointed out, that “worse” is vague. Because it is far more worse to life in a country which is brutalized, than somewhere where the situation is peaceful. But if we speak about “worse” and “better” referring to imperialism, atrocities and genocide, than the US is ranking actually on the first place.

    Furthermore, to clarify, I was wondering whether which country is the “worst” primarily based on the actual leaders/ruling class of the government itself and the malicious nature of their actions.

    It is not easy to top the USA. But I wouldn’t even rank Israel on the second place, because its complicated I think. While Israel commits genocide, they need their support from the US and Europe. Same goes for other countries which may commit similar atrocities. The USA is powerful enough to let such things happen or stop it and they let it happen if its useful. Reminds me how Selensky is begging the US for authorisation to attack specific targets in Russia. I think I would answer your question with “no”, there is no worse country.

    Of course, I admit that countries (aside from the 2 previously mentioned) like India, France, Britain, and Germany are more influential internationally and overall more active, allowing them to oppress in similar ways that the USA and Israel does, making them worse in many aspects.

    That’s right. Especially the alliance of those countries you mentioned is a special thing. Speaking of NATO, even Germany, France etc. are absolutely dependent on the US.

  • But what do you mean with “worst”? Its very vague. What are the conditions, that makes something good or bad. Because, people have different priorities. As example, it is important for me that I can somehow live in a country. I don’t want to die, I want food, water, place to sleep and also work. Considering that, USA would be better than other countries, where civil war is present. Or if you are not male but female. USA would than also be far more better than Afghanistan.

    I hope you understand, what I wanted to say.

    right-wing anime fascists that simp for that country exacerbate my disdain furthermore.

    This movement is the worst. To be honest, when I started reading manhua and then manhwa I could also see difference to Japanese anime/manga. The later ones are have those tendency to Japanese nationailsm and anticommunism.

  • “Freedom Gas”

    The US way of pretending to be the good guys: Put freedom on everything. Freedom Gas, Freedom Fries, Freedom Toast, Liberty Cabbage. I will now pretend that the letter F in F-16 stands also for Freedom. I am waiting for Freedom Tanks, Freedom Missiles, Freedom Warships and Freedom Nuclear Annihilation. Freedom World War, Freedom Genocide, Freedom Fascism.

    Fascist parties have by the way the weird tendency to put Freedom in their name or something with liberal:

    • Alliance for Peace and Freedom
    • Liberal Democratic Party of Belarus
    • Free German Workers’ Party
    • Party for Freedom (Dutch)
    • Freedom Party of Austria
    • Liberal Democratic Party of Russia
    • American Freedom Party

    Soooo much freedom that I don’t even know what freedom actually is anymore

  • Sorry for placing words in your mouth, or seeming to anyways (that wasn’t exactly my intention).

    No problem, all good!

    watched by or designated “far right” by the Verfassungsschutz/gestapo (that they actually are far-right is another matter worth caring about however), and that I don’t think the German bourgeois, genocidaire, warmongering state’s admission/designation adds to the credibility, rather the opposite, even if they said that the sky was blue it’d probably be best to doubt until you can look out and see it for yourself.

    I agree with you. It doesn’t add any credibility, its the opposite.

    I primarily wanted to say that there was a rapid change of direction in the public debate. Starting with someone almost having to justify voting for the AFD or giving it a platform, and now it’s completely normal to even think about a coalition.

    The bourgeois state is no longer pretending regarding this matter. No attempts to disguise anything, but to say directly: “Yes, it’s indeed a far-right party. Yes, that’s okay, that’s normal.” They no longer need to lie to your face. I just think it’s connected to the shift to the far right in the public discourse in Germany, normalising it and also the preparation for war. Exactly 85 years ago, Germany attacked Poland, now right-wing extremism is accepted in bourgeois politics and is treated as normal.

    Contrary to decades before, you have now to justify yourself if you are against German militarism or against Yankee imperialism per se.

    In other words, as if the bourgeois were not trying to disguise and justify its exploitation, but simply saying it right to your face, as if it were the most normal thing in the world. Or think of, when German admits tomorrow, that there is a genocide going on in Palestine and that there are fine with it - Contrary to denying it.

    Just because something is a “badge of honor” doesn’t mean people should try for it, nor that it is a positive thing otherwise, or that the circumstances which led to its existence should have been present to begin with.

    Ah ok, good that you pointed that out. I met in the past organisations once, which were joking around how “cool” this would be. But of course, a serious organisation would take this matter serious.