• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Love this conversation. And I also think it’s totally a tricky one.

    To me - like flora_explora, ‘feeling my own feminity’ is reclaiming feelings and aspects of myself that I felt denied, that wouldn’t match my ascribed gender.

    So maybe that really is the reason, why this phrase does not resonate with you. Nowadays I also perosnally do not think of myself as feminine or masculine and only use those descriptions when I am describing myself to others who do not know me as a shorthand not because I personally ascribe to them. So I haven’t thought much about reclaiming feminity or masculinity in a while

  • Viel Erfolg beim weiteren Lernen! Wenn du es schon so weit geschafft hast, wirst du es bestimmt auch bis zum 1000. Tag schaffen auch wenn ich hoffe dass es eher aus Freude an der Sache passiert und nicht nur wecen deinem OCD.

    Und ich habe auch schon öfter gehört, dass mehrere Sprachen gleichzeitig lernen leichter sein soll. Mich hat Chinesisch als tonale Sprache immer eher abgeschreckt aber Spanisch mochte ich auch gerne lernen :)

  • I think it really goes to show how reality bending it is when so much wealth is concentrated on singular people and that it’s just not healthy for us as a society.

    Like even if he was a saint I don’t want any human to have direct control over so many things ESPECIALLY if he was not elected to do so in any capacity.

    That he specifically has so many many „views“ on things I do not agree with just makes it that much more egregious

  • As @akasazh says baby steps for sure and you got this!

    I would argue however that there is a boogeyman that you can blame and that is capitalism, so there is always that.

    Additionally as you have yourself mentioned just because we live in a partiachial society that doesn’t mean that cis white men are always just winners, so I think the feeling of being overwhelmed and on your own and downtrodden by the system can be totally valid. Similarly to what @cmbabul mentioned, sure you can be a little bit more up the ladder but we are most likely all quite far away from the top :)

    I hope that you feel empowered to reach out to others and connect. I am sure others share your sentiment. I think Lemmy has DMs so if you ever wanna just chat feel free to write me :)

    Thank you for sharing!