Today I jumped back on this project that has been on pause for about a year :)
Turning cheap defective desktop speakers into a set of wireless Bluetooth stereo speakers.
Got the idea from this video from DiyPerks.

I’m trying to recycle as much as I can:
Desktop speakers were defective and given to me by family,
Bluetooth receivers are from old earbuds,
Batteries come from and old powerbank,
Charging module from old vapes (still need to figure out a few things about them, not sure I’ll end up using those).
The only thing I bought so far are amps for the audio output tu the speakers.

Any input or advice is welcome :)

I’ll keep you updated with more details if anyone is interested

  • ToastyBones
    19 hours ago

    I used a pi 4 in a touchscreen case, so I just strapped it to the top of the amp. I used an aux cable to plug into a cheap audio receiver which I replaced the amp interface with.

    Looks ghetto as hell but it functions perfectly lol. It has an extension cord running out the back as the main power cord.