
    1 year ago

    When we moved into a new flat, I had just finished unpacking the last of all the boxes and had a huge pile of flattened and packed together cardboard to take to be recycled. When I sat down I had a sudden thought, “where’s my cat”. She’s strictly indoors only, and isn’t usually interested in the outside world anyway.

    So I call her, ans shake the treat bag, look in each room, nothing, and then start turning over blankets, anything she could hide in at all, nothing. We check the outside hallway, the balconies, nothing. Now panicked, I have my wife looking too and I freak out that she may have climbed into one of the now very crushed boxes without me noticing.

    I’m making a mess of the cardboard pile I spent all day tidying, and my wife calls, “come upstairs”. Sitting upright, perfectly normal, my cat, on the top shelf in the upstairs bathroom, all the way to the side, but in plain sight. Litterally this cartoon.