I don’t think big companies know how to make a good FPS campaign anymore, let alone hone in on classic deathmatch multiplayer. The last FPS I bought was Half-Life: Alyx four years ago, and the first one to come along and interest me since then was Phantom Fury, but I’m letting that one iron out bugs for a few weeks before I pick it up. Even former TimeSplitters devs, given the opportunity to make a new TimeSplitters, made another Fortnite instead. Likely this new Perfect Dark was built to turn it into a live service that keeps players playing it forever rather than just making a fun deathmatch to play with your friends a handful of times, which would be missing the point. And all this is to say nothing about how those devs must be feeling when even a great game that sells well won’t save you from Microsoft laying you off.
The writing in Disco Elysium is so good that it wouldn’t matter if the gameplay between dialogue was just some match 4 bejewelled ripoff, it’d be worth it.
Anyway, I agree we’ve got so much better in the last decade+ at fitting fiction and gameplay together in a satisfying and complimentary manner.
I remember finding games like Chrono Trigger being as stumbling upon an overflowing oasis, compared to the paltry and usually badly translated heroes journeys that we typically got.
But now I can think of dozens of games, many of them indie, that have stories on par (and if I set aside my nostalgia goggles, even surpassing) that of old classics like CT.