I wanted to degoogle since Google has been most annoying so far with S21FE. Was thinking of getting Pixel 8a but due to mixed reivews I was looking for other phones. Thoughts on this? Would be also nice if I can get some opinions from people who have the phone as well.

  • lemming123
    8 months ago

    I managed to degoogle stock ROM, as I wanted to have the glyphs available (I feel like I’m in a minority of users that find them useful as well as just cool).

    I did have the phone enter crash dump and at points had no ROM or recovery and it took a while as I was endlessly searching tools available.

    I’m more than happy to share what I did?

    Word of warning is you need quite a few tools, apps and packages, but they have source code available.

    I’m not a mobile developer but going through the tools they are regarded well in the developer community, or scanning the code myself didn’t raise an alarms.