Beehawans? Beehawers? Bees? Busy Bees? THE HIVE???
My fav so far is beeple
I’ve seen “beeple” and loved it but I also saw “cowbee” earlier today and thought that was pretty cute.
What would the singular bee?
A beeing
Berson or Bee. Preferring Bee because because Berson just makes me think of 🅱️erson.
That’s hilarious though
IDK what you would call the users but I would call the mods bee keepers
While beeple is great I feel it is really missing the cowboy element. Something a little more rootin-tootin ya know?
Beeckaroo. You’re welcome.
With an Aussie accent I bet we would make that work!
I have seen yeehive suggested, but I like beeple more and that one seems to have official usage now, too.
i saw another commenter call us “cowbees”, which i liked
People who use beehaw. Because we are not in high school.
I’d have objected to having a cute name for a group I was in when I was in high school. As an adult, I think it’s fun.