Depression and anxiety are not the same, but I really have social anxiety, and due to this social anxiety, I feel depressed. My friends have girlfriends, and I daydream about it only. I am shy, but I am also introverted, and I fight with my parents, which makes me feel guilty.

  • MinekPo1 [She/Her]
    1 year ago

    I mean these tests definetly aren’t that accurate.

    I have a diagnosis of ADHD type i (aka ADD) and ASD, so take what you want from that. I am also prescribed antidepressants so I feel confident in saying I struggle with depression.

    ::: vague, but hopefully on point, affirmation

    Also: don’t beat yourself up for not having a partner at an early age. From your post I assume you are a teen/young adult and its perfectly normal not to have a partner at that age, especially if you have issues socialising. I know its easier said then done, I struggle with similar issues my self, but the best you can do is, if you feel comfortable to do so, socialise, even if just with your friends.

    I believe in you, you can do it <3
