Call me a bird, because I’m now migrating. Poor jokes aside, I’m hoping to ask a quick question. And I hope this is the place to do it. But since it’s a learning experience and I’m asking for help I won’t be offended if you tell me.

Anyways, I’ve been dabbling with kbin and Mastodon a bit. I thought I might like Mastodon since there is an iOS app. But I don’t quite like how it’s laid out. It seems like I need to follow people or things for them to show up for me. With Kbin it feels more like Reddit in the sense that there is an ‘all’ page comprised of many subsections to explore.

Am I correct in this assessment?


    1 year ago

    @stillnotahero Mastodon is basically a twitter clone. While kbin is like a reddit clone. However, they’re both part of the “fediverse” and so the content is shared between them. On Mastodon you have to follow particular people, or search tags, to find content. Here on kbin, you can subscribe to “magazines” which work like subreddits. you can also follow people like how twitter/mastodon works. Magazines auto-sort hashtagged twitter-style posts, so we get them in the “reddit-style” format.

    On kbin there’s “threads” which is reddit style stuff, and “microblog” which is mastodon/twitter style stuff.

    • stillnotahero@kbin.socialOP
      1 year ago

      that makes sense, thank you. Now, I’m starting to understand “instances” are like servers. I’ve picked to start. Are we free, as users, to create as many Magazines as we’d like? Or does that put too much stress on the smaller server?

      For instance, I saw that had a ‘sports’ magazine, but not one for golf specifically. So I created one. Was that correct, or should I have found an instance of kbin that caters to sports?