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The original was posted on /r/piracy by /u/putbat on 2024-06-24 13:47:29+00:00.

This happens occasionally. But I use subtitles and every once in a while if there’s a movie where two languages are spoken a lot, the subtitles will show one or the other, but never both. At those times I’ll use my Google survey credits to get the movie or sign up for a free trial then cancel it right after.

So last night I used Apple TV to watch Killers of the Flower Moon and I can’t believe how bad the quality was, it was horrible. You know how sometimes you fire up a stream and it’s a little blurry as it loads? Like DVD Screener quality. And it was like that all movie. Then I went to rewind while the video was playing and the max that you can do it 10 seconds jumps at a time unless you bring the video to a stop first. I only know that because I stopped the movie and unlike Kodi, it failed to save where we were. Like why is that even a thing?


Just wanted to shout out Apple TV for reminding why we do what we do.