Pro-lifers hate women and want to control their bodies. Pro-choicers hate babies and care about their own convenience more than the lives of children.

Or, alternatively, pro-lifers honestly, truly believe that fetuses are children, in which case it is obviously the proper choice to restrict abortion. Pro-choicers honestly, truly believe that personhood does not begin at conception, in which case there’s little room for abortion to be ethically wrong.

Until both sides start addressing each other’s actual arguments, this subject is not going to cool off. You won’t convince a pro-lifer who sees fetuses as children by wrongly claiming they want to control women. You won’t convince a pro-choicer who sees personhood as developing later by insisting that they are a godless baby-killer.

    1 year ago

    Yeah there is. It’s used all the time. You can’t do something with your body that hurts another person directly.

    This applies to murder outside the womb and also to murder of people inside the womb.

      1 year ago

      In no other situation is opting out of supplying blood, organs, etc to another person considered murder. It’s hard to imagine any government that required you even to give blood as anything but the extreme end of tyrannical, authoritarian, and monstrous. And, yet, this is the reality that women are subjected to.

      We don’t even force dead people to give up their organs. Literally, dead people are considered to have a greater right to their bodies than pregnant women. Abortion is a wildly inconsistent legal standard.