Was wondering if Lake of Shadows is still the fastest one to clear? Which ones are you using to farm for like catalysts?
If I remember correctly, some catalysts only drop from the strike playlist, meaning you have to go into the Vanguard Ops section and you aren’t able to target farm a particular strike.
Is there a source somewhere on this that you know of? I’ve had the Prometheus Lens for forever and have never seen the catalyst. I feel like most of mine have come from control or trials but I’ve never seen this one. If that’s a thing that some random ones can only come from certain pools that might explain it.
If you don’t have a catalyst, when you check the Patterns & Catalysts page in the game and hover over it, it will give you a hint/outright tell you how to get it.
I feel like with how Bungie changed up Lake, I would say it isn’t the fastest anymore. Inverted Spire is pretty fast so maybe that one?
Ohhh, I somehow forgot that one still exists. Have to try that one. Thanks for the tip.
Just tested the Inverted Spire and did a clear in 10 mins with a random team. Solo or with a Clan, there is definitely room for improvement.
Is that the strike with the floor that falls out beneath you? If so I know I’ve cleared that pretty quick.
Yep, exactly that one.