There’s an (original) Planet of the Apes one too apparently, but it wasn’t for sale there. I’m going to have to pick it up.
M is for mostly. They mostly come at night. Mostly.
That’s in the second book.
In the wise words of Hudson: “Fuckin’ A.”
“Why don’t you want to go to the beach anymore kids?”
I saw the Jaws one, but the Funko Pop connection made me decide against it. Funko Pops freak me out.
P is Pants Shitting Fear.
Q is also for Pants Shitting fear, as I’m too scared to make up another one.
B is for Bitch, for when telling the alien to leave her alone.
I’m sure kids just LOVE learning about the Golden Girls…
That’s only the start of weird Golden Girls books. There are also these, which I saw today:
Easy X for this one, “xenomorph.”
G is for Game over man, game over!
Bought my favorite kid’s book 10-years ago for $7. Wish I had bought $100 now that they’re selling for $44.
Just nabbed this one! Thanks OP!
Most recent review is 8 years old. That it’s offered for this price, doesn’t mean it sells for it.
If that helps with the regret…
After you generated some traffic to this page, it has gone up to $70 btw.
That looks like fun! Enjoy!
Windows jumpscare
How to scare kids 101
“L” is for “Let’s rock!!”
Vasquez FTW
damn you, making me go to walmart