Hello, for the last 3 years I’ve been running a Dnd 5e campaign, due to recent events with wotc we’ve decided to stop supporting them and switch to of 2e. Are there any good resources for switching? I’m under the impressions that some systems are similar while others are completely different.
Does something like a switching guide exist or is it best to just start from scratch and learn as we go?
Thank you for the resources, on the topic of character creators and editors. Is there one where you can generate a campaign and the players can create them in there? Best case would be if I could disallow some races as they wouldn’t really fit into the setting like skeletons. It would be amazing to import them automatically into an encounter tracker but I guess that’s asking too much ^^
Is there something like encounter+ though for iOS as I run the sessions from my iPad?
i know that demiplane is working on basicly dndbeyond, but for multiple games, starting with pf https://app.demiplane.com/nexus/pathfinder2e
but idk if you can disallow certain ancestries or anything like that 🤔 and idk anything that would specifically work with apple products
i just use FoundryVTT for everything, but that’s specifically a VTT and not very tablet friendly
Hmm I do own foundry and could easily host it. The integration is good then? I might need to look if it is possible to optimize it for tablets. Thanks for the idea.
Foundry is the only vtt which is regularly recommended for pf2e pretty much everywhere. It had excellent integration from what I hear (though I haven’t tried it myself other that a one-shot)