Doom is crying because the Planes missed the Baxter Building.

Also Magneto why are you there?? you are supposed to be death from the Wild Sentinel attack on genosha

link to the comic

  • Awoo [she/her]
    7 days ago

    If you looks back at the attack on the wtc with a marxist eye after getting used to media messaging campaigns of the last couple decades a few things stand out. The “innocents” line was pushed, really hard, in the same way that “unprovoked attack” is pushed with regards to Israel. There are certain phrases that dominate the messaging that make it clear they were chosen specific narratives that they wanted to push.

    They pushed the “innocents” thing incredibly hard because they did not want people asking questions about why these people in particular were targeted, why they were being held responsible for the activities of america abroad. If people started asking whether they really deserved it then it would be problem.

    Yeah sure, some of them were innocent, the cleaners certainly didn’t deserve it… But a fucking lot of them were not though. They wanted to make sure nobody realised that.