• dustyData@lemmy.world
    16 hours ago

    SpaceX wins have nothing to do with Musk. It’s the literal army of engineers doing the work. Tesla’s event was a bunch of dudes in remote controllers showcasing 5 year old technology trying to sell it as future tech. Musk is a con man, all he knows how to do well is sell bullshit. Nothing he has ever promised has ever been delivered. What the engineers that work for him have promised, without the smokes and mirrors of stock trading theater, they have some what delivered.

    This “move fast break stuff” worship is just an excuse to hurt others without consequences and to deflect responsibility. For that matter, SpaceX is forced to deliver without the seagull manager meddling because they’re overwatch by the government. Putting trust in a company even though you know for certain they cannot deliver and are scamming you out of your money is either shilling or insanity.