Hey guys, I am a NextJs Dev. I want to make and anime streaming website. Ofcourse I am totally broke. I can’t afford a database. Even if I could how does that work anyways? I mean, do I have to upload every single anime?? That sounds like a lot of work. How do sites like zoro or 9anime deal with it? Do they have their own db? I thought about webscrapping but I am not sure how it’s done, if anybody could explain in detail I would be grateful. I am trying to understand how those stuffs really work. Also, I know an api called Consumet but I want to be able to make my own! I am working on a french anime website so I need to figure out how I can get the animes.
My previous website using Consumet API (still works check it out :)) https://poketv.vercel.app/
You should look in to Usenet + Indexers + Sonarr + Plex.
There are quite a few different guides on the subject. Basically, you would use Usenet as the backend source. Sonarr would be the application to grab all the files and automate downloading. Plex would be used for sharing. It’s a whole rabbit hole.
I would recommend jellyfin over Plex because jellyfin doesn’t have a premium mode.