I can swallow no big deal, but for some reason my own cum makes my throat burn like a motherfucker. Other people who have swallowed my cum said they do not get this problem, just me. Anybody else can’t eat their own cum? 😂
That is weird. Maybe talk to a medic.
I live in a very conservative area, last time I asked they just told me to stop eating my own cum.
I’m sorry but this is hilarious
You might have to stop. But I’m glad to tried.
You could try doing a patch test on your skin? Stick a small amount on your inner forearm and leave it for a couple of minitues, see if the area is irritated.
If you are allergic, and want to seek treatment … you don’t need to share details with the doctor. Tell them about other symptoms, like skin irritation, headaches after orgasm, etc.