The unintentional consequence of lowering sulphur content in marine fuel, as part of clean air regulations, is a weakened cooling effect caused by sulphur particles in ships’ exhaust fumes, according to a new model. This inadvertently exacerbates warming, potentially raising global temperatures by 0.05C by 2050. Other factors, including an underwater volcano eruption, Saharan dust absence, and El Niño, are also contributing to the ongoing ocean heatwave.

    1 year ago

    People have been talking about marine cloud brightening being one of the more viable geoengineering choices for decades, using a variety of choices for what they add to the air

    SO2 sounds like a really unhealthy choice (I was rooting for sea salt being used) but it’s still an interesting hypothetical: if they proved that it SO2 definitely worked better than other compounds, would they still choose to use it?