Minor spoilers for the quest “Breaking the Bank” below!

So after going into the archives to look for a certain missing GalBank ship for the Crimson Fleet, there were logs for other missing ships other than the one I was looking for.

Out of all of the options available to check, there was only one ship that had recorded a last known location: the “Supremacy”, last known to be near Saturn.

I thought, “Hey now, they must have put a location for this one other ship for a reason, and I bet it would be pretty lucrative if I was the one to find it.” Now, with that said, Saturn is a somewhat big area to search, with many moons to boot, and I can’t seem to find any other leads.

Just so that I am not spending hours on a wild goose chase, I was curious if this is something that anyone else knows anything about, or if there might be other hints I simply missed?