The 1984 government did not hide that stuff in your hozse. The telescreens are the centerpiece of any appartements. The difference is that in the book, everybody knows they are supervised and fear the supervisors, while today, nobody cares.
everybody knows they are supervised and fear the supervisors
They regularly saw friends and neighbors persecuted by police. We don’t really see that in the modern day. There’s no cop who bangs on your door because you did a wrongthink online.
Every big tech company has bent the knee to trump. While I don’t find it likely that widespread crackdown would happen because someone shit talked cheeto Hitler, it’s not beyond the realm of possibilities. At the very least, it’s more plausible that he might use connections to dig up dirt on political enemies.
The 1984 government did not hide that stuff in your hozse. The telescreens are the centerpiece of any appartements. The difference is that in the book, everybody knows they are supervised and fear the supervisors, while today, nobody cares.
They regularly saw friends and neighbors persecuted by police. We don’t really see that in the modern day. There’s no cop who bangs on your door because you did a wrongthink online.
Every big tech company has bent the knee to trump. While I don’t find it likely that widespread crackdown would happen because someone shit talked cheeto Hitler, it’s not beyond the realm of possibilities. At the very least, it’s more plausible that he might use connections to dig up dirt on political enemies.
Maybe you don’t…
The UK CPS would like a word with you concerning your problematic online speech…
That’ll be next week in the U.S.