I had two months to make an application, I spent all of summer in my room on my bed, with the occasional psych-appointment (on the rare chance I didn’t cancel). So because it’s quite urgent that I submit this, my mind is shutting down, feeling sleepy despite sleeping all day, locked in my room, it’s quite warm but I feel terribly cold. I can’t ask what do I do, because I know what I need to do: just do the application! But for some reason, my mind does not want to. Like I have this IDGAF attitude when a lot is at stake if I don’t submit this application.

I’ve got no one to talk to because I don’t want to and I don’t have the energy to lie or smile. I even feel like a fraud claiming that I’m feeling apathetic because I hate this state. And hate is an emotion. I hate that I have all these memories of the person I used to be, before all this. I was punctual, less feeling, organised and my motivation run deep. Now I’m not even a shell of who I was, I don’t even aim to be like I was. I’m just aaaaaarregh.


So after yoyoing between pitying myself and being disappointed, I took a walk, then got on the tram. Was a lot less anxious when I returned, I just did the application. The walk honestly was motivated by you guys. I feel so hypocritical that I tell this to my closest friend and my sister when this mood hits, but I can’t tell it to myself. Also, I’m still cold, but I’m okay with it because the anxiety of the application is gone now that I have submitted it (I don’t expect much from it, pessimist here, but I’m relieved it’s over and done with). Thank you. I even rescheduled my appointment, and took doses as prescribed (I’ve been intentionally missing my doses as I don’t feel any better).

  • Lun0tic@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I can tell that you’re overstressed and anxious. What is application in reference to? Is it an actual application like a form or is a digital app like you get on a smart phone. I apologize if I’ve over analyzed your situation and if I completely missed the key notes of what kind of application it is.

    • hummy_bee@mander.xyzOP
      1 year ago

      I really was overstressed. Truly. The application was for re-enrolment. It does involve digital app, but I had to present myself physically to a certain office (which I always dread because it means summoning energy I don’t have). And anxious, yes. It’s been like my normal state for a while now. Now, I’m okayish. I know it’s temporary, but I submitted the application so at least I can gasp (usual me would breathe)

  • Mighty@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    So, I’ve also been there. You’re not alone in this. You’re not broken or damaged. You’re ill. The problem is knowing what you “should” do and doing it are VERY different things. But I highly encourage you to do something. Literally anything. You don’t have to want it, you don’t have to like it. Just go take a walk. It just has to be 10mins. The application will not run away. You’re scared of the change. I know. It’s super scary. Your feelings are valid. The person you were is dead. Let them lie. The time is now. It’s always only now. Breathe.

    Top 3 Tipps: shut down your pc and phone for a time each day. Move your body. Do something for yourself. Something you usually enjoy. Even if you don’t feel like enjoying it now. It can be so small: a bath, a nice cup of tea, make art, sing a few songs out loud, light a candle.

    Good luck. Please report back

    • hummy_bee@mander.xyzOP
      1 year ago

      I did something. I did leave the house, went for a walk. While it seemed to do the trick today, I worry that I don’t apply or have mechanisms to cope with. I don’t want that every time when I’m feeling like this, I have to vent about it to kind sober strangers online. What if I don’t have wifi, or I smash my phone in a fit? Then what next for me?

      Reporting back: now it’s bath time, I think it’ll calm me.

      • Mighty@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        You know what really scared me when I was in those shoes? The realisation that I didn’t really “want” to get better. The miserable state I was in had gotten “comfortable” for me. Change is scary, es when changing from a bad place towards improvement.

        Worrying isn’t getting you anywhere either, so here’s a destructive thought: what if you do cope? What if you do make changes for the better?

  • Brainsploosh@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Hey, I hear your frustration, you know what you want and ought to do, but the brain just won’t let you do it. It’s a shitty place to be in.

    I don’t know your entire background, but part of what I pick up on from your story is cabin fever and stress. Those are by themselves things that make stuff like this harder, and also harder to break out of.

    For me, it’s often more helpful to take a step back and assume a role of a gentle caretaker, some find it more helpful to think zoo keeper or pet parent, but the point is to assume a tolerant but separated stance towards the non-functioning parts. It’s trying, but it isn’t quite adapted to it’s situation and might need a little help to overcome some of the challenges. Like a dog who can’t figure stairs, or a child with a stick wider than a doorway. A little support and encouragement will go further than most other approaches.

    For the cabin fever (and you might want to read/check up a little on this), it’s weird but isolating like this leads to bodily symptoms like fevers, sleepiness and difficulty in getting started with things, among other symptoms. Which of course also makes it harder to break out of, as it makes it that much harder to leave. But at least it’s simple to break the cabin fever: you need to ( at your own pace) find novelty, get outside, have some social interaction, possibly also share touch. Don’t push yourself too hard, and if possible consider enlisting help. Maybe you can start off by sitting outside in the sun for fifteen minutes, maybe you can take a walk and take a new route, maybe you can visit a museum. Maybe you have a person you can enlist to help you do any of these, maybe there’s someone you can message and ask if they can help you get on a couple walks this week, or to go to the library and work on part of your application for a bit, or even hang out for a bit (if you’re up for that). Take baby steps, not any one of these will be the cure, but together they stop the self-enforcing spiral of the cabin fever, and let’s you build resistance and resilience over time.

    This seems to in general be a helpful approach to combat mental unhealth: find ways to do strengthening activities. Just doing them disrupts the negative spiral, and even slight positive effects build over time to make you better equipped and less affected.

    My checklist is basically: Sleep, hygiene, nourishment Get outside, exercise, breaking up the day Social interaction, touch, self care Something new, something I want, rest

    And I try to do something, anything, in each of these categories every day, but I started out just trying to do one at a time.

    It can be as simple as sitting at an open window for fifteen minutes, take a walk around the block, taking a massage or petting the local cat, make some cozy time with hot tea and a snuggly blanket. It’s OK to adapt to your energy, comfort and executive levels, any effort into any of these will help break the spiral. If you feel stronger in one area than others, feel free to ramp it up. Just saying: if you’re up to organising an orgy it will also tick many of the boxes at once (j/k).

    As for the stress and feeling of loss of identity, you still have the capacity to do all of that, you might just not be in a situation that supports you enough right now. I’m sure you’ve heard that a little stress helps you get going, but too much will hinder you, this is one of the ways how. Which means you should probably stop pushing, and let yourself recover a little bit.

    Exercise, green nature, and daylight all seem to get rid of the cortisol build ups. Also sleep, but that might not be your main concern currently. Minds also need help to let go for a bit so they can recover. Find an activity that distracts from the stress for a bit, can be a hobby, going for a hike, mindfulness meditation, gaming, or whatever. You’ll probably need a lot of it for several days to recover fully, but usually looming stressors like an application don’t allow for that, as they keep nagging at you in the back of the mind.

    That’s where stress/work management comes in, and you need to practice some methods to achieve clarity, confidence and progress on the actual task. The issue is seldom that you don’t know of any good tools, but that they’re too hard to implement currently, consider exploring other tools while you build back your strength. Perhaps a friend can help you tackle a part of the application, or help you sit down to work at it for an hour, maybe they can go through the process with you and plan out the steps, or you might need to just start from a new angle by yourself?

    Tl;dr: Accept that you’re not at your best right now, work lovingly to strengthen and support yourself, enlist help and tools to circumvent your obstacles, and you have every chance of getting better.

    • hummy_bee@mander.xyzOP
      1 year ago

      Had to check what cabin fever is (I only know of the film, but can’t quite remember the plot). I see what you mean. The thing I feel frustrated about it, and with myself is that it’s a self-feeding cycle. I lock myself up because I can’t deal, I don’t want to meet or see people because I get too anxious, so I stay indoors for weeks. Yet this isolation, no matter how much I enjoy it, and can acknowledge it’s a really dangerous regimen, I still stick to it. I see how it slows down everything I have to do, my hygiene is the worst it’s been. Everything just feels sucky. And the worst thing is how comfortable this isolation feels. It’s a habit now for me. And I know I should break it, but honestly, I don’t want to.

      • Brainsploosh@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Yup, that’s exactly how it goes. And that’s exactly the part you have to coax, a little at a time.

        Maybe start with doing one thing differently a day, it could be brushing your teeth, or just going outside for a bit. You might not like it, but you can stand it for a little while. Over time, you’ll feel the difference it makes, and you’ll be able to stand slightly more.

        Take it in small steps. You don’t have to go from shut-in to orgy in one go, it might be enough to watch people at a start, then maybe smile or wave at someone, or move where you have to move out of the way of people. Going to the cinema could be an excellent goal, it combines novelty with safe interactions and getting out, while also letting you recover from each.

  • thonofpy@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I discovered this community and your post today. A lot of what you wrote rings familiar to me. It’s a cycle I am always afraid of because I know how easy it is to slip in and how hard to get out.

    I start avoiding a thing and it just keeps growing, I don’t allow myself to do anything else really because the THING is still there. I distract myself with something irrelevant until I can’t stop because once I do I think about THE THING and anxiety and self-hate bubble up. Too avoid these feelings, I need to keep distracted until I am too tired to keep my eyes on the screen. By this time, morning light is already disturbing my exhausted sleep. I wake up at noon, dehydrated, and go right back to distracting.

    I think that everyone’s replies are magnificent, excerpts from them got copied to my collection of good advice. I hope today finds you ok and I want you to know that you are not alone in your struggles.

    • hummy_bee@mander.xyzOP
      1 year ago

      Hey stranger. I feel glad I have someone who understands this feeling/state. How are you feeling now? At this very moment.

      Secondly, I’m so glad on how well you’ve articulated this feeling, this state. I am, sometimes, too overwhelmed to even find words to describe it. The avoidance, the consistent intentional distractions (with still this very thing at the back of your mind), I did eventually submit what I needed to, and I could breathe and wondered why such a thing was weighing me down. Yesterday was terrible for me, today I woke up in better spirits.

      Honestly, I’m grateful for this platform and space and for people to willingly and voluntarily share what they can to give you/me a push (no matter how slight or grand). And I’m glad the response gave you some insights.

      Update me (if you’d like) on how today’s going for you, yeah?

      Oh, I forgot to add: take a minute at a time. People tell me to take a day at a time, but I find it easier to be more graceful with myself if I take it a minute at a time. And also, just trying to go out for walking or even staying in the sun (I’m not sociable, can describe myself as an introvert and someone in the comments made me aware about cabin fever).

      Note: I hate the sun, and I don’t like daytime but forcing/coercing myself to engage in either has changed my mood slightly. I hope this can help or any other thing. I also picked colouring books, you know the ones for kids, and I find colouring a sort of relaxing. Just mindless scratches on a paper.

      Lastly, this could be TMI: I am not a healthy eater, and been suffering from constipation for as long as I can remember. Oats has been magic for me, and honestly, I credit it for my current mood.

      • thonofpy@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Hello fellow struggler, I’m glad we are having this exchange. I’m currently sick with Covid (not bad, just annoying, that’s what you get for going out and meeting people lol). It helps me go a litte easier on myself though, as I have good reason to isolate an feel exhausted.

        As for my current Thing, I asked my best friend to help me and together, we made some decent progress. Especially when I have trouble reading messages because I am afraid they might contain something stressful (which of course doesn’t fix anything), it helps me to ask someone I trust to read them for me and tell me what they say. Stupid, I know, but the simpelest things can feel as hard as you let them sometimes…

        Anyways, I coloured something today and quite enjoyed it.

        monotI like one minute at a time, it can be a reminder that the past does not determine the future. Even though the last 200 Minutes weren’t so great, I can get up and make myself a cup of tea this minute.

        Can totally confirm sunlight, it helps to make myself sit in the sun even for a bit. I am lucky to have a balcony, so I don’t even need to leave the house, really.

        Digestionwise, I have had some good experiences adding some psyillium/flea seeds to my oats, but it might not be for you.

        I’ve been wondering about things I can do in better times to build some resources for when I’m struggeling. So far, I came up with stuff like having some proper meals at home that need little effort to prepare, as well as trying to build/practice good habits like journaling, mindfulness and light exercise. I’d be interested in further ideas, should you have any :)

        Hope you are continuing to get better, do not despair if you aren’t.

    • hummy_bee@mander.xyzOP
      1 year ago

      Thanks for checking in. Really. Like I didn’t expect it, and honestly you’ve made my morning.

      So the application did go through, I should resume studies next week, but I have to deal with the nitty gritties of bureaucracy, which makes me anxious. I slept for 4 hours last night which is an achievement. Woke up on time, but not doing anything at the time I intended. I don’t feel too motivated, but I’m also not feeling care-free as I normally do. I’ve had breakfast, something I typically don’t like, and I feel okay. So now, shower time, then head to administration. I’m hoping this lasts, because: you know how at the beginning of things, like when you have a clean slate, you have this unbelievable drive, which lasts only a minute until you fall back into old habits. That’s what I fear now.

      I woke up feeling grateful today to whatever higher being orchestrates this, I remember saying Thank You. And now, I’m even more grateful that random strangers online remember/check up on me. I really do feel somewhat humanised. Thank you.

      And how are you mojo? What is on for you today? What is off for you today?

  • Alfiegerner@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    I’ve been in holes similar to this, eventually finding the right medication is the only thing that lifted me out. Once I thought I was gone forever, could hardly talk, same as you head full of memories of the person I used to be. But the right anti-depressant (and getting off anti-psychotics) pushed the right brain buttons and I was able to get out.

    Things can take time to change, but they can and will change, I’m sure of it. This isn’t your fault, there’s a new you in your future.

    • hummy_bee@mander.xyzOP
      1 year ago

      I’ve actually been thinking of having a discussion about this with the psych. I’m hesitant though because the adapting phase, the first weeks of adjusting to a medication, are just the worst. I hate the lucid dreams, vivid dreams, appetite changes and general having no-one to commiserate with. Thank you for your words truly.

  • 108beads@lemm.eeM
    1 year ago

    I read your post a couple of hours ago, and thought about it–and I’m so glad you’ve been able to make some moves toward resolution.

    One thing I keep thinking about, which you may not have had a chance to address: what is so troubling about the application?

    Does it lead you to activities you don’t want to perform? That is, if your application is accepted, and you complete the tasks that you’ve applied for, will you be happy, satisfied, fulfilled during and after those activities? Perhaps you have some deep sense that you don’t want to go where this application takes you. Or perhaps your stumbling block is fear of failing at the tasks once you are admitted. Perhaps even your subconscious resistance is symbolic–it’s a next step in growing up, moving on to the next phase of your life, and that brings all sorts of uncertainties, worries, opportunities to experience problems.

    In any event, I think you’ve found one key to getting through the mental block: you broke the cycle by doing something (anything!) that breaks the pattern–getting out for a walk and a tram ride. Hooray!

    Another key, I think, is that you mention missing doses of medication. Psych meds can do strange things to the mind, and sometimes (as you point out) the body/mind needs to adjust and ride out the change. Skipping doses can make you “think things you’re not really thinking”–can shift brain chemistry in ways that make you believe the mental states are arising internally, when in fact they are chemically induced. Skipping doses can play havoc with your mental state. If the meds aren’t working, or seem to be creating more problems than they solve, by all means ask your psych for a change–but it’s not helpful to change the schedule of dosing just because you feel (or don’t feel) like doing so.

    • hummy_bee@mander.xyzOP
      1 year ago

      Late to reply, but I’m okayish now. Honestly looking back, not a thing about the submission was truly difficult. I was anxious about going to a government office to verify myself. Yes, it leads (rather led) to activities that I want to do, but too anxious about doing them. OMG, yes, I would be relieved and happy if the application is accepted and I actually competently finish the activities. (Happy isn’t the word, just a sense of content, like I’ve done it and it’s over and done with). Fear of failing, that’s it. Honestly, I can’t say everything has been smooth sailing in my life, but when I put my mind onto something, I actually set standards for myself, that if I don’t meet, it feels disastrous. I don’t want to get too much into my childhood, but success was sometimes the only way to avoid regular beatings or even a little kindness from my parent. So, I think I’m not familiar on how to cope with failure and fear of it, especially now because I lost confidence in myself (I really took things head on, these past years I’m truly scared to do lots of things that should be easy for me).

      Yes, doing something. It really does help. Although it’s so easy to slip back into the nothingness. Like I woke up today, and wasn’t feeling it, and I decided to do one thing, open/draw the curtains open, then return to bed. As soon as the light was in my room, I actually felt a bit better, which led me to make my bed, brush my teeth, take a shower. After the shower I was like, I feel comfortable enough to go on a walk, and I did. I haven’t yet done some assignments I planned on doing, but the walk actually did help.

      I now aim to take my doses faithfully. Put an alarm to remind me. Hopefully this all sticks, but currently I feel like all this excited energy I have been experiencing this week will fade away. You know when you can see/feel a depressive mood coming? Or when you notice you are oddly excitable, spent a majority of today dancing and listening to music in my room (actually just one song, it’s on loop)? Despite this energy, I can feel downtime coming from a mile. I have been maintaining contact with family so that I don’t slip, but I find myself needing to isolate again. Actually as I type this, I’m feeling a bit sad/down. I’ll stop typing and take a shower. It sometimes calms me down. Forgot to say, another thing that I use to distract from dealing with all this, is focusing on my sibling’s issues, like helping them resolve difficulties, comforting and consoling them. But I rarely have energy or drive to do it for myself.

      Lastly, thank you for your kind words and insight. Can I ask how are you? (Like the true how are you, not the “How are you? Fine”)

      • 108beads@lemm.eeM
        1 year ago

        I’m so glad you took the time to update! It sounds like, although it was an unpleasant experience, you made good use of it by figuring out what was behind the feelings, what was motivating your downward spiral, and what you can do to help yourself get back on track.

        I know it’s easier said than done, and something I struggle with too—but don’t let the perfect become the enemy of the good. As in, maybe you’ll try and not get it absolutely perfect. But doing a “good enough” job is sometimes (often?) better than doing nothing at all. We all make mistakes, even with the best of intentions and effort. But the only real “failure” is screwing up, and not learning anything from it. I think it was Einstein who said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.”

        Thank you for asking how I’m doing! Well—muddling through. Sitting in a nursing home with my partner who has Alzheimer’s, where I visit her every day. Not what I wanted for my retirement. I try to look for good things, small things. She still knows who I am, and we still love each other. I’m comfortable financially. I’m going to see my friends in church tomorrow; hopefully, the meditation class I’ll be teaching will go over well. Trying to get motivated to mow the yard!

        Be well, my friend, and take good care of yourself. We all have ups and downs; give yourself what you need to pick yourself up again.