“Dad, can I have a girl stay overnight tonight?”

I said abruptly. Not at all as I had planned… Gosh I really messed this one up. My dad looked up at me from his morning paper through his black thick rimmed glasses and said to my surprise,

“Yeah sure Tommy that would be fine.”

I couldn’t believe it. My heart jumped up into my throat and I almost choked on my cereal I was so happy. I immediately got up from the table and went to text my girlfriend Chloe to tell her all plans were go.

She was going to tell her parents that she was staying at her best friend Kyla’s house. I thought Kyla was a complete bitch, but that didn’t matter because Chloe was spending the night with me!

I was basically shaking with excitement all day. Chloe and I had been dating for about 3 months and I had yet to tell my dad about her because… Well ever since mom left dad’s been kind of out of it. It never seems like he cares one-way or the other. He’s about 43. I got my blue eyes and athletic body from him, but I think my straight blonde hair in contrast to his dark brown curly hair reminds him daily that someone else helped make up my genome. And that’s not a topic he is very fond of discussing with me.

I was just cleaning up my room getting everything perfect for Chloe to come over when all of the sudden I felt my phone buzz against my thigh. It was a message from Chloe saying her parents went for it and she’d be over at 6 p.m., followed by a selfie. OH MY GOSH SHE IS SO GORGEOUS. She has long wavy blond hair that frames her high cheekbones perfectly. She has “mysterious” green misty eyes, and full pouty lips that look perpetually like she’s ready for a kiss.

I texted back, “You look beautiful I can’t wait to see you! ;D” And got back to picking up all the clothes on my floor.

She was definitely one of the prettiest girls at my school. Maybe even tied for the most gorgeous with her best friend Kyla. But Chloe wasn’t like that bitch Kyla. Kyla was attractive in a slutty way. She always wore really tight clothes to show off her big boobs, and shorts that would show the bottom of her ass. Chloe was gorgeous in an ethereal pure way. She always dressed really classy even though she has an amazing body. It’s one of the things I love about her. She doesn’t try to impress other guys because she’s with me.

After I finished cleaning up my room I looked at the clock. 11:00 a.m. Damn it. Still 7 hours until I would get to see my love. So I went to the living room to see what my dad was up to and maybe tell him my plans for the night.

“Hey dad.” I said as I walked up to sit down on the armchair adjacent from the sofa he was laying on while reading some book.

“Hey buddy, what’s going on?”

“I just wanted to go over my plans for tonight. I think when my friend gets here we’re probably going to watch a movie, after that do you think we could order some pizza, and maybe go for a midnight swim?”

“Yeah. Certainly champ. I just might join yah. I’ve barely been out to use the pool this summer. And it seems wasteful to pay people to keep it running like I do… Is it wasteful?” My dad said with his signature out-of-it look on his face.

“I don’t think so! I’ve gotten plenty of use out of the pool this summer. It’s helped me stay in shape, and my friends love it too!”

“Oh. Good. So you don’t mind if I join you?”

“Not at all dad. It’ll be good for you to have some other human interaction.”

“You think so?” My dad responded almost muttering under his breath, sounding particularly lost.

“Yeah dad… I really really do.”


“Finally!” I yelled to myself and ran down the stairs to great my angel! But my dad beat me to it.

“Can I help you?” My dad said seemingly surprised that there was an 18 year old girl at the door.

“Dad!” I said a little too loudly. They both started and looked over at me.

“This is Chloe, the girl I told you about that was spending the night. Remember?”

“Oh yes of course!” Said my dad in a way that in no way indicated that he remembered.

“Hi Mr. Daniels.” Said Chloe in the sweetest voice I’ve ever heard with just a little raspiness in it, so sexy. “It’s certainly nice to meet you.” She said with a big bright smile.

“It is very nice to meet you too!” Said my dad extending his hand to make her acquaintance.

Now that was a sight. My 6’4" dad in his gym shorts and tee shirt with his hair all in disarray shaking the hand of my 5’2" girlfriend wearing a nice form fitting teal tee with white short-shorts, and knee high socks. It looked like a giant making the acquaintance of a fairy princess.

“Well come in come in!” Said my dad. “I will leave you two to your business. Just come get me when you’re ready to swim okay Tommy?”

“Sure dad!”

“It nice to meet you Mr. Daniels!” Chloe said and flashed a winning smile as he walked away.

Chloe and I got comfortable in the living room cuddling on the couch. We watched a movie that she brought over. Some anime, she’s secretly a nerd don’t tell anyone. And made out a little bit. Kissing her lips was like heaven, but I had yet to get much past that point. Chloe was a classy girl, and we already talked about how she liked to take things slow. We were both virgins and had yet to really talk about giving it up to each other, but tonight looked promising! We were going to be sharing a bed after all.

After the movie ended the pizza man got there and dropped off the pizza my dad ordered for us. We went to the kitchen and opened up the box to dig in.

“Oh no Tommy!” Said Chloe when she saw what was in the box. “Did you forget?”

Oh crap I thought. What did I forget? I felt like I was turning into my dad.

“Kyla and I are trying to be vegetarians! Remember? This pizza looks like everything that could possibly have been killed was put on it at once.”

“I’m so sorry babe! I do remember that. I can’t believe I forgot.”

“What’s wrong guys?” My dad said as he strolled into the room.

“I forgot to tell you Chloe is a vegetarian, and you ordered our usual meat lovers pizza.”

“Awe man. I’m really sorry to hear that.” My dad said looking downtrodden.

“Oh don’t worry about it Mr. Daniels!” Chloe said being the gracious angel she is with a smile. “I can just pick the meat off just this time.”

“Fantastic! Well then that’s problem solved.” My dad said looking happier than I’ve seen him in weeks.

We all sat around the table and Chloe and my dad talked it out. He was a researcher on sabbatical, she wanted to major in biology and then go to med-school, and wanted to one-day backpack across Europe. All the basic stuff.

“I just want to get out there and see the world outside of my comfort zone.” Said Chloe.

“I remember that feeling.” Said my dad with a nostalgic look on his face.

It was good to have him interact with someone that wasn’t me. I’m so happy that Chloe is getting through to him. She’s so perfect. After a while I suggested that we all go for a late night swim.

Chloe and I went up to my room to get changed. She went into my bathroom to get ready. I got naked and was about to change into my trunks when I heard a vibration on my bed. It was Chloe’s phone with a message from Kyla. I really shouldn’t have looked, but I saw my name somewhere in the message. Curiosity overtook me and I looked at the conversation.

Kyla: Whatever bitch. There is no way your boyfriend is hung. That guys a wimp. You should’ve come out with me tonight. I could’ve hooked you up with some real dick. ;D

Chloe: He’s fine Kyla! I love him and everything we do is awesome. His penis is great so stop bothering me about it.

Kyla: Whatever slut. If his “penis” is so great why don’t you take a picture of it and send it to me tonight to prove it.

Chloe: Ew gross! I don’t want your eyes all over my man’s junk.

Kyla: Ugh… Tommy Daniels does not have a big cock. He hardly has a cock at all. Alex told me that he just barely saw it in the locker room it was so small.

Chloe: Alex makes stuff up all the time. He’s still not over me. BUT FINE. If it’ll get you to shut up I’ll take a picture of it tonight.

Kyla: Not a picture of it. A picture with it. And then I’ll stop being mean about your cute little baby dick Tommy.

It was then that I heard the door open behind me I put the phone down quickly and turned around when I suddenly remembered… I never put on my trunks… My girlfriend looked at me with wide eyes and open mouth as she quickly examined my naked body. She yelped, “Sorry!” And then slammed the door. Suddenly a sense of dread came over me, and the room started closing in. My beautiful girlfriend that every guy in the school wants to be with has just come to the realization that her boyfriend has a very very very small 3 inch penis.

I was wading in the pool trying to convince myself that maybe Chloe didn’t see anything. Then that thought made me feel much worse.

Chloe was on the diving board about to dive in. She looked so sexy in her black bikini. Against her flawless white skin and light blonde hair her features exploded. Her body looked incredible. Her boobs were a large handful, but not so big that it was overwhelming, but big enough that it made me feel even smaller. I just realized I would never be able to slide my dick between those perfect firm tits like they did in porn because I wasn’t big enough.

Then I was jolted from my dread when I heard a splash. Chloe dove in and was swimming over to me as I was trying to put a smile on to make it look like my life wasn’t crumbling around me. When her head came up in the water in front of me she looked at me with a smile. Then she frowned a little and asked, “Is everything okay Tommy?”

“Yeah! It’s great. I’m having a great time with you and I think my dad likes you a lot and everything is just perfect.” I said… Maybe a little too earnestly…

  • thebigideaguy@lemmynsfw.comOPM
    1 year ago

    “Just lay there naturally! You’re doing a great job already!” Said Chloe.

    “Okay! Tommy.” She said getting ready again. She smiled not even caring if her face was touched his dick this time as I took another picture.

    “Hey I don’t mean to interrupt.” Said my dad. “But you wanted a picture with a huge cock right?”

    “Uh huh.” Said Chloe looking up at my dad a little confused biting her lip.

    “Well then I think you might want to know that it gets bigger than this.” My dad said plainly.

    “OH WOW. Really?!” Chloe exclaimed staring at the already massive member in wonder.

    “Yes indeed.” Said my dad with a nod.

    “How?!” Said Chloe.

    “Well I’m kind of old of you haven’t noticed. So I might need a little help. If you can just grab it at and jerk me off a little I’m sure I’ll be there in no time. You don’t mind right son?”

    My life is over.

    “Like this?” Said Chloe without missing a beat pulling her small hand up and down my father’s massive cock. “Oh yeah.” Said my dad.

    “Tommy! Get a picture of this!” Said Chloe. “Actually! Could you just record the whole thing and we will pick out screen shots of the video later.”

    “I’m not so sure…” I said quivering.

    “Tommy! Please be polite! You already agreed to this.” My dad said sternly.

    She wasn’t about to stop anyway. I might as well do what she says.

    As I watched my tiny blonde girlfriend give my dad a handjob through a phone screen. I could barely breath.

    “Is it all the way there yet Mr. Daniels?”

    “No not yet Chloe. But it might help if you use two hands. Play with my balls too if that’s not too complicated.” My dad said as if he was explaining to a child.

    Chloe started using both her hands to grip my dad’s shaft. Her face contorted in concentration. Both hands couldn’t handle it all. She couldn’t hide her toothy smile. She traced the tips of her fingers along the veins surrounding his cock, and tickled his balls playfully. And I do mean playfully. Each one was about the size of a baseball compared to her hands, with a bat up top that had to be at least a foot long.

    After a little while of tugging on the skin and tracing her fingers around the tip of his cock as gratuitous amounts of precum followed attached to her finger away from his dick. Dad looked like he was in heaven relaxed and just enjoying the show…

    I was supposed to be enjoying this show… That’s when I realized. This is the first dick my girlfriend has ever touched. I felt massive heartbreak, and then my dad suddenly said, “And there you have it Chloe. A big fat dick.” He was smiling at her… He was smiling at me.

    Then Chloe said, “Well I was actually thinking about something Mr. Daniels.” She said still playing with my dads dick like a curious kitten. “How much cooler would it be if I actually had cum all over my face in one of the pictures?! That would really get Kyla!”

    I almost dropped the phone.

    “Well… Let me think… I think I could do that.” Said my dad. “But you’re gonna have to use your mouth.”


    “Oh wow Mr. Daniels I don’t know if it’ll fit!” Said Chloe. “No no no Chloe. When I first saw you the first thing I thought was this girls lips are made to suck big cock. It’s almost poetic watching this come together!”

    “Wow. I’m flattered Mr. Daniels. Okay!”

    Chloe then cautiously crept forward onto my dads lap and slowly her lips began to touch the tip of his dick.

    “Just kiss it baby girl.” Said my dad to my girlfriend.

    Her luscious lips kissed the tip of his long shaft. When the tip disappeared into her gorgeous mouth she gave the camera a little smile and wink and started moving her mouth up and down. Gripping the base with her hands jerking off what she couldn’t fit into her mouth. My dad was right… It was poetic.

    She came up of the top with a popping sound as the head left her mouth. “Mr. Daniels you taste delicious.” Chloe said with euphoria in her eyes. She licked the tip and looked up at him. Used her tongue to trace down the backside of his cock and lapped her tongue against his massive balls. It was almost comical seeing her little mouth lick on his massive balls, but I was not laughing. She went back to the top and started sucking and jerking again.

    “Damn Chloe. I thought you were supposed to be a vegetarian.” He looked down at her and smiled. She laughed as her tongue lapped against the giant mushroom that was his cock’s head.

    I tried to say something to stop them. I wanted to yell. But instead my voice came out in a soft, “Hey Chloe.” She looked up over at my still suckling on my dad’s cock. “Shhhhhhhh.” Said my dad. “You’re breaking my concentration son.”

    5 minutes later I was starting to realize… This can’t be happening… It has to stop. I slowly start to put down the phone and take in the scene before me. My dad now had my girlfriends hair in his hands like a ponytail and was guiding her up and down. The look on his face was of extreme pleasure. On hers extreme concentration.

    I hear my dad moan. As I begin to speak.

    “Hey…” I said putting the phone by my side my mouth open trying to form words.

    “Shhhh! Said my dad. I’m almost there.”

    Chloe was ignoring me completely set on her task. My dad started moving her head faster and deeper on his cock as I started to hear her choke.

    And then with three big pumps my dad let out a big moan he came in my girlfriend’s mouth. Chloe’s eyes got huge. Once again I didn’t realize until it was far too late.

    Chloe then pulled my dads dick out of her mouth, as it was still cuming. Her entire face got drenched in thick white paste as enormous amounts of cum shot out of my dads dick. Chloe then panicked and pointed his dick away from her, right at my face.

    I immediately lost vision as my dads cum coated my face as well. A few seconds later all I could hear was my dad and Chloe laughing. I wiped the cum out of my eyes and looked. Chloe’s face was nearly painted white, and I assumed mine was too.

    “Well it looks like you two need to get cleaned up.” Said my dad still laughing. “Tommy you go use your bathroom. Chloe you can use mine.”

    “Okay thanks Mr.Daniels.” My girlfriend said with a laugh in her voice as she stood up and walked to my dad’s end of the house.

    My dad just sat up with his dick flopping between his legs. He smiled as he reached his hands behind his head and leaned back on the couch. That was the first time I saw him truly smile in months.

    At a complete loss for words I went to my room to wash all of the cum off of my face. What else was there to do?

    As I watch the white washed water drain down the sink I know my future is washing away with it.

    My hands are shaking as I pat my face off with a hand towel. I keep the towel pressed against my face and just as I am about to let out a sob I hear someone enter my room. I quickly suck it up to try to preserve whatever dignity I have left.

    My “girlfriend” is sitting on my bed with a freshly washed face still in her black bathing suit. And my dad is standing next to the bed still in his damn fucking speedo.

    I feel extreme dread as I wait to hear how my life is going to be ruined next.

    “Hey Tommy.” Chloe says with a small smile. “Me and your dad wanted to talk to you.”

    I waited… Considering jumping out the window rather than hear whatever would come next.

    “I love you Tommy, and I know what happened hurt you and I just wanted you to know I am so sorry. Things got out of hand so fast and I got caught up in it and I just… Don’t know what to say…”

    “What?” I said. I did not expect this.

    “I messed up too son. I know it’s no excuse, but you know how it’s been since your mom left. I’ve been a little not myself lately.” My dad said, seemingly showing genuine remorse.

    “We just wanted you to know that you are very important to both of us… And we decided that we are never going to let anything like that happen again.” Said Chloe pure sincerity showing through her bright green eyes.

    “Are you guys serious?” I said. I just can’t believe this is real.

    “Yes son. I couldn’t be more serious. You are what’s most important to me. I know you really love this girl so you two should be happy.” He said taking a step toward me.

    “This day… I just don’t know what to make of all of this…” I said with apprehension in my voice.

    “Let’s just try our best to act like it never happened.” Said Chloe. “Can we all agree we just never talk about what happened ever again?”

    I started feeling hope rise up inside of me. Could all of this really be made right?

    “I’m up for that.” My dad said. “What do you say buddy?”

    “I’d say that sounds wonderful.” I said.

    I could literally cry right now I’m so happy.

    “Oh Tommy! Thank you so much!” Said Chloe as she jumped off my bed and threw her arms around my neck.

    Having her beautiful body back in my arms made it all real. I had to fight back tears of joy. Until my dad decided it was a group hug and joined in. He came around the back of Chloe and wrapped his arms around us both. I was certain his massive package was pressing up against her ass, but I resolved that he meant well.

    Ready for the hug to end I tapped him on the back. As we all released I saw Chloe was actually tearing up a bit.

    Do I really mean so much to her? I’ll sort it all out later. For now it’s time to say goodnight to my dad.

    “Well. You two have a good night.” My dad said walking towards the door. “Just let me know if either of you need anything.”

    “Will do dad.” I said ready to not see him for a couple of hours.

    “Goodnight Mr. Daniels!” Chloe yelled smiling as he closed the door behind him.

    As I changed into some basketball shorts and jumped into bed I waited on Chloe as she freshened up in the bathroom.

    As she opened the door she was still the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

    • thebigideaguy@lemmynsfw.comOPM
      1 year ago

      Her blonde wavy hair fell delicately over her shoulders. She was wearing one of my shirts, which was oversized on her small frame, but was tight enough in the right places to show off her fantastic body.

      She smiled at me with a full toothy smile and then turned around to turn off the light to the bathroom. When she reached forward to turn off the bathroom light her shirt rose up to show pink lace panties clinging to her perfect bubbly ass.

      It was then that I knew this night could simultaneously be both the worst and best of my entire life. But I was trying my very hardest not to focus on the former.

      As she slowly walked up to the foot of my bed she had the sexiest look on her face. I thought I was going to explode just knowing what was going to come next.

      She crawled up on my bed towards me, her hair falling wildly around her face, her perfect cleavage on display as my shirt’s collar dangled off her delicate neck.

      I sat up to meet her, but she put her hand on my chest and pushed me back down. She crawled forward and sat on my pelvis. My little guy was practically screaming feeling her perfect ass pressed up against him.

      She looked down at me and bit her lip as she began lowering her lips to mine. I was breathing so hard I thought I was having an asthma attack.

      She kissed me passionately and bit my lip as she rocked her hips back and forth against my now erect 3.5 inches.

      I know I’m not big, but I felt massive in that moment.

      She started kissing down my neck, and my heart almost exploded as she continued down my bare chest, then my stomach then my waist.

      And then as she pulled down the front of my gym shorts and underwear I saw just a brief flash of disappointment on her face as she got her first direct look at how stupidly small I am. But she pushed past it, and I tried to as well. But I still couldn’t seem get the picture of her full lips wrapped around my dad’s massive prick out of my head…

      Until I felt her lips wrap around mine. It felt a-ma-zing. I was in heaven. I never could have believed anything would feel this awesome. As her tongue licked up against me I was about to cum immediately.

      Until she stopped. She pulled her mouth away and started picking at her tongue with a unpleasant look on her face.

      “Is everything okay babe?” I asked hoping it was a quick fix so I could get back to heaven.

      “Uhm… It’s nothing… Do you uh… Think you could maybe shave next time. I got a hair stuck in my mouth and its kinda gross.” She said finally pulling her hand away satisfied that her mouth was now pube free.

      “Oh yeah babe! Oh my gosh I’m so sorry! I should’ve thought better!” I said in terrible distress.

      “It’s okay.” She said with a smile. “I know of something we can do instead.”

      Here it is… Oh my god I am about to enter manhood.

      She rolled off of me and removed her lace panties down her long slender legs. I reached into my bedside drawer to get out a condom. I had never used one before so after I got it out it took a second to figure out how it worked. I seemed a little too big on me but I ignored that little fact.

      But once I got it on I was so ready. Chloe rest her hand on my chest as she crawled on top of me. She lifted up her shirt and I got a glimpse of her perfectly shaved adorable little pussy.

      She hovered over my erect penis, and my mouth went dry in anticipation. As she slowly lowered inch by inch my heart was literally pounding.

      Just as I was at the entrance, and my life was made complete. In pure euphoric anticipation.



      Chloe stopped and looked at me.

      “Was that the doorbell?” She questioned as she rolled off of me.

      “Yeah it was.” I said not knowing who the fuck would be at my door at 2:30 a.m.

      Chloe looked at me confused. I rolled out of bed. “I’ll go check to see who it is… Then I’ll be right back.”

      “Okay.” Chloe said smiling. “Hurry back I’ll miss you.”

      I felt the cold tile on my bare feet as I approached my front door cautiously. I carefully put my eye up to the peephole, and I couldn’t believe what I saw.


      Her tan pristine skin, her flowing brunette hair, her big stupid fucking mouth. I just watched her. She wasn’t bad to look at. Her tight top showed off her big tits. Her shorts I’m sure showed off her perfect ass. I almost got hard, but then I remembered she was the author of my pain this evening. I didn’t know what she wanted and I didn’t care. I decided I would watch her until I was sure she left.

      Spying on her was a weird turn on. She just stood there impatiently waiting.

      “Just leave you fucking bitch.” I thought to myself.

      The house was silent. My dad apparently hadn’t heard the doorbell, and Chloe was patiently awaiting me upstairs. I wanted to keep it that way.

      So when she raised her finger to ring the doorbell again I knew I had to act.

      I pulled the door open as quickly and quietly as I could. This startled Kyla causing her to jump back. Her big tits bouncing with her.

      “What the fuck are you doing here?!” I whispered in an urgent tone.

      “Uhm… I need to come in and make sure of something right fucking now Tommy boy.” Kyla responded in her sassy bitch way making no attempt at all the be silent.

      “Well I’m not letting you in so,” I tried to say before she pushed me back with way more force than I thought she’d be able to. She isn’t a particularly big girl. Pretty small actually.

      “CHLOE!” She yelled walking into the foyer.

      “What the fuck are you doing?!” I said trying to keep her quite. “Get out!!”

      “Nope.” She said looking at me defiantly. “GET OUT HER BITCH.” She yelled again.

      I tried to grab her wrist, but she pulled back. “Don’t touch me creep.” She said with venom in her voice.

      Then I heard Chloe’s sweet raspy voice coming from the top of the stairs, “What’s going on?” She said confused as I was. “Kyla? What are you doing here?”

      “Well I’m here because I don’t believe it.” She started walking towards the stairs. “And I’m not leaving until Tommy drops his pants and shows me the MONSTER you sent me earlier.”

      “There’s no way that-” I started.

      “SHUT UP.” Kyla said turning to me pointing. “I don’t know how you all did it, but there is no way the absolutely gorgeous massive cock in that picture was yours. So prove me wrong now and I’ll leave.”

      “Is that really why you’re here?” Said Chloe still confused.

      “The party got boring. I decided I would go on this little adventure. So here I am.”

      “Guys what’s going on?”

      We all turned to see my dad. In front of the door to his room in his bathrobe He was obviously only half awake.

      “Oh my goodness!” Said Kyla in an instantly sweet voice. “I had no clue anyone else was here I’m so… Sorry.” She said a sardonic look of sudden realization creeping across her face.

      “Oh… Well I’m Craig. Johnny’s dad.” He said walking forward to make her acquaintance arm outstretched.

      “Oh no no no.” Kyla said in her saccharin tone. “I am very good friends with your son. A father to him is a father to me. That makes us family. And family hugs.”

      Oh shit. What is she playing at?

      My dad awkwardly put his arms out to accept Kyla’s embrace. Her arms wrapping tightly around his waist.

      “It’s so nice to meet you Mr. Daniels.” She said keeping his embrace. “So nice.”

      As she pulled away I realized her game too late… As if there was anything I could do to stop it.

      As she backed away she feigned having her hand stuck in the knot that tied the front of his robe together. As she pulled the knot came undone, and as the knot came undone. Well… I suppose the hug with the pretty girl got my dad the slightest bit exited because his length was once again on full display.

      “Oops…” She whispered looking down her eyes bright with excitement.

      For the few seconds his cock was out without him noticing Kyla took every second to stare and take all of its glory in.

      A few seconds later my dad had realized what had happened.

      “Oh my goodness! I am so sorry young lady. This thing has been misbehaving all night.” He said tucking his cock back behind his robe.

      “I now see that.” Said Kyla her eyes still on the erect area of his robe.

      “Well it was nice to meet you.” He said nodding at Kyla. “Goodnight everybody.” He waved as he walked quickly back to his room.

      Once his door shut Kyla turned toward us both with her mouth open. Her gaze rested on Chloe.

      “You unbelievable slut.” She said. “You blew Tommy’s dad.”

      Chloe just stared at her feet unable to respond.

      “Which means that your pathetic baby dick stood there and filmed it all.” She said pointing at me accusingly. “You took pictures as your girlfriend sucked your dad’s dick.”

      I couldn’t respond my mouth was open, but no response was coming.

      “Kyla…” Said Chloe. “Just come up with us to Tommy’s room and we can talk about this.”

      “Oh. We are going to talk about this.” She responded leading the way up the stairs, her tan round ass hanging out of her shorts.

      Chloe and I followed dreading what was to come next.

      “Kyla. You cannot tell anyone about this.” Chloe said as Kyla walked into my room making herself comfortable sitting on my bed.

      “And why not?” She responded.

      “We’re best friends… Isn’t that enough?” Chloe said helplessly. We were both helpless.

      “Obviously not enough to keep you from lying to ME.” She said defiantly.

      “Kyla. I don’t see how this was any of your business to begin with…” I tried.

      “Oh no no no baby dick. You don’t get to talk right now unless I say so. One more word and the whole school knows what happened. And for your information it is perfectly my business to know my best friend is only getting the biggest and best dicks to suck on and play with so don’t you even start with me.”

      I had nothing to say. Nothing to do. Kyla held all the cards.

      • thebigideaguy@lemmynsfw.comOPM
        1 year ago

        “Kyla.” Said Chloe calmly desperately trying to appeal with her. “I’m sorry I lied to you, but this needs to stay between us.”

        “HA.” She laughed obnoxiously in her face. “This is just too good. There is no way I’m passing up this opportunity.”

        “There has to be something we can do.” Chloe said pleading. “You know both of our lives are over if you say anything.”

        “Hmmmm…” She said with an evil look across her face. “I’m listening.”

        “You can borrow my clothes whenever you want.” Said Chloe confidently.

        “I already do that anyway.” Responded Kyla.

        “I’ll do all of your homework for you for the rest of the year?” Chloe questioned hopefully.

        “You know I have hundreds of nerds killing each other for the chance to do my homework.” Scoffed Kyla.

        “I’ll be your slave for life!” I blurted out uncontrollably. I didn’t care about anything other than keeping her quite.

        Kyla slowly turned her head towards me. “I’m gonna let that comment slide since you sound so desperate little bitch, but there is only one thing in your entire pathetic life that could convince me to change my mind about telling everyone. And it’s a beautiful 10 inches hanging between your daddy’s legs.”

        “That’s okay!” I said blurting out. “You saw how he responded when you hugged him. I’m sure if you went to his room right now he’d be delighted!”

        “Tch-tch-tch…” Kyla said as she shook her head. “Not even I could take on that monster all by myself Tommy. Your dad’s massive.”

        “Then I don’t understand.” I said hopelessly. “What do you want?”

        “Oh I want your dad’s dick.” She said staring at me defiantly. “But Chloe is going to be helping me take it.”

        We both stared in shock. Kyla sat there with her arms crossed waiting for a response.

        “That’s… insane.” Chloe stammered.

        “No what’s insane is the size of that gorgeous cock. What’s insane is that you’d send me to take it all by myself. I thought we were friends. Best friends.” She said faking an innocent hurt look on her face.

        “It’s just… Impossible.” I tried to reason with her. “He wouldn’t do it.”

        “Well he looked to be pretty pleased with you watching as your pretty little girlfriend’s mouth sucked him off.” She said scoffing at me.

        “But… He already said…” I tried.

        “He already said what? You know what no I don’t care. Somehow you both convinced him to let Chloe suck his dick while you watched. Now YOU are going to convince him to let this happen, and you are going to watch it fucking happen or I am telling the entire school. The picture of Chloe’s beautiful face sucking on that gorgeous cock will become internet famous, and then… Bye bye medschool.” She said turning to Chloe.

        The room went silent. We stood there unmoving for what seemed like an hour.

        “I’m getting tired of waiting you two.” She said standing up. “You make a decision in 5 seconds or I’m gone, and everyone is going to know.”





        She raised her finger to press send.


        “Wait! I’ll talk to him!” I yelled desperately.


        “Good boy.” Said Kyla pausing and looking up at me. “Do I even have to ask if you’re on board?” She said looking at Chloe.

        Her face was bright red as she looked at her toes.

        “Oh you slut. You can’t wait can you?”

        No response.

        “Well let’s not keep the girl waiting Tommy!” She said heading towards the door.

        We followed… Our eyes at the floor. I was walking to my death. What was Chloe walking towards?..

        “Okay.” Kyla said as we stood outside of my dad’s door. “We have to make this convincing. So brighten up you two! Your futures literally depend on it.”

        We both waited looking at her.

        “Well I’m not making the first move. Come on Tommy. Get in there and convince your dad to pound us senseless with his big daddy dick.”

        I hate her… So much.

        I walked up in extreme anxiety. As I knocked on the door I hoped for anything to happen. A fire. My dad had suddenly gone missing. For Kyla to have a heart attack and die.

        “Come in!” My dad yelled.

        I was not so lucky.

        I walked in and Kyla and Chloe followed.

        “Hey buddy.” Said my dad sitting up to turn on his lamp, but staying in bed. “What’s going on everyone? Is everything okay? You two look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

        Kyla elbowed me in the ribs reminding me I needed to play the part.

        “Yeah it’s okay dad.” I said.

        “Okay.” He said confused. “Then what’s going on?”

        “Well… I was hoping you could help Chloe and I out with something really quick.”

        “What is it? Do we need to go out into the living room to talk? If we do you all should close your eyes for a second. I’m at a slight disadvantage in the clothing department under here.”

        “No. We can talk here…” I started.

        “But feel free to take off the blanket!” Spouted Kyla. “You have nothing to be ashamed of.”

        My dad looked at her confused.

        “I mean we’ve all already seen it.” Kyla said smiling. “It’s not like it’s any big secret or anything.”

        “Well I guess that’s okay…” My dad said. “Are you two okay with it?”

        I looked over at Chloe and we both nodded quickly.

        “Well alright then.” He said as he push the blanket aside and sat on the side of the bed with his legs spread apart, his massive currently flaccid dick once again on display, taunting me. “But why are you all really here?”

        I paused for a moment until Kyla coughed expectantly.

        “Well dad. We were talking about it upstairs, and we all decided that you should have sex with Kyla… and Chloe, right now.”

        His dick twitched in shock. “But son… I thought we already had this conversation. That was a one time thing.”

        “I understand, but Kyla came over and convinced us that it’s better if you take Chloe’s virginity since your penis is so big, and Kyla wants to help her do that because she is just a really big fan of how big you are.” This was so humiliating… I can’t even believe these words are coming out of my mouth.

        “Is it because she’s too tight, and your penis isn’t big enough to pop her open?” My dad asked expectantly.

        Kyla tried her best to hold back a laugh but was failing.

        “… That’s exactly it.”

        “Well if it’s for your benefit… And everyone agrees this is a good thing?” We all nodded. “Then I would love to have sex with these two lovely young ladies.”

        “Yay!” Said Kyla as she jumped in the air and ran over to sit down next to my dad on the bed. She started tracing her fingers up and down the inside of his thigh. It jumped up reacting to her teasing and Kyla squealed in delight. She then looked over at Chloe. “Are you coming silly girl? Can’t you tell this poor beautiful dick needs us?”

        She looked at me apologetically one last time as she walked over and sat on the other side of my dad. Her hands came up as she started tickling the inside of his other leg.

        “Oh Mr. Daniels.” Said Kyla. “I just want you to know this is the biggest best dick I’ve ever seen in my entire life.”

        “Well thank you very much Kyla.” My dad responded leaning back admiring the young gorgeous brunette and blonde teenagers tease him.

        Kyla gasped as she finally reached down and grabbed the monster.

        “Oh my god it’s heavy!” She said eyes wide. “You’re going to have to help me carry it.” She said looking over at Chloe.

        A slight smile crept across Chloe’s face as she grabbed my dad’s dick for the second time. I couldn’t help but feel that deep down she wanted this.

        “Let’s try to fit all our hands around it and jerk him off like that!” Kyla said excitedly.

        “Okay.” Chloe responded smiling even more as they wrapped their hands around his dick starting from the base to the top. Even after that an inch or so and the head was still showing. So in tandem they started jerking him at once.

        “Oh my god.” My dad said throwing his head back. “Kyla you’re a genius.”

        They giggled as they awkwardly tried to deal with his massive prick. I just watched dejected as my girlfriend and her best friend seemed to have the time of their lives jerking my dad’s cock.

        I had to hide my real feelings though… It was the only way.

        “Haha! Ooooooh… I have another good idea.” Said Kyla.

        “Well let’s have it.” My dad said expectantly.

        “No no! This will be a special surprise for your beautiful big penis Mr. Daniels.” She said leaning over to whisper something into Chloe’s ear. Chloe giggled a little, looked over at me cautiously, then solemnly said, “Okay.”

        They both got on their knees in front of my dad big dick. Kyla reached up to play with his balls as they both started moving their heads toward either side of my dad’s cock.

        As both their full lips wrapped either side of my dad’s shaft he let out a moan, their lips were about touching around either side thanks to Kyla’s big mouth. Then as one they moved their mouths down his shaft. Then back up where they paused at the head. Where Kyla grabbed the back of Chloe’s head and pulled her closer as they made out with the head of my dad’s cock between their mouths.

        My dad reached down to get ahold of the backs of both their heads. His eyes showed that he was in another world. Getting sucked off by two gorgeous 18-year-old girls proved to knock him right out of his mind.

        Kyla pulled her head back, but pushed Chloe’s mouth firmly around my dad’s dick. Guiding her head up and down his cock while looking up at him.

        Kyla stood up, and sat next to my dad. She traced her finger up and down his stomach as Chloe continued to blow him. He didn’t know where to look.

        Kyla grabbed his chin and turned his head towards her, and pressed her lips against his. With one hand my dad guided Chloe’s head up and down on his dick, and with the other he felt up Kyla’s massive breasts.

        “Do you want to see them daddy?” Said Kyla.

        My dad nodded with an animalistic look in his eyes.

        “Good.” She smiled. “Big dicks like yours deserve big tits like mine.”

        • thebigideaguy@lemmynsfw.comOPM
          1 year ago

          As she lifted up her shirt revealing a lacy pink bra Chloe started choking as my dad pushed her head down on his dick harder and harder.

          I wanted to say something… But I knew what was at stake.

          Kyla unclipped her bra and let it fall slowly down her shoulders as my dad gazed intently. She then dropped her bra to the floor her massive tan breasts now on display.

          She got up on her knees to get them to my dad’s level so he could suck on them, which he did intently. Releasing the back of Chloe’s head as she came up off his cock gasping for breathe.

          But without missing a beat she went right back to work on my dad’s cock.

          Kyla was smiling down at my dad as he ravished her tits. She looked over at me and said. “Hey Tommy. I thought we said this could be a learning experience for you. Why don’t you come over here and take a seat next to daddy to get a better angle for the show your girlfriend is putting on between his legs?”

          I walked forward slowly… I couldn’t feel my legs. All my senses seemed to be shutting down as I sat a foot away from my dad on the bed to “get a closer look” as Kyla put it.

          “Switch!” Yelled Kyla after a minute or so.

          Chloe stood up and moved over to let Kyla get snug between my dad’s legs. She started licking all over the tip and sucking on it as she said with her mouth full. “Whaf are you fwaiting or? Fshow daddy your tits.”

          She continued sucking but looked up at her expectantly. Then Chloe looked at me, and the realization hit me… This was the first time I would ever see her breasts…

          Chloe slowly started lifting up my oversized shirt, and it was soon apparent she wasn’t wearing a thing underneath. He breasts were even more perfect than I imagined. Perfect, firm, white, orbs. Her pink nipples were already hard due to the exposure. She looked over at me one last time as my dad reached out and grabbed her around the waist and pulled her over next to him forcing his mouth over hers groping her perfect breasts.

          If Chloe struggled at all it was only for a moment as I watched her get lost in my father’s near violent embrace. He played with her nipples and she moaned, muffled by my dad’s mouth over hers.

          She looked so small and fragile in his crazed embrace. Her blonde hair made her look like and angel being taken by some huge dick ogre…

          Kyla’s slurping snapped me out of my trance. She kept deep throating then sucking hard up to the top and off so it made a “pop” sound.

          It was annoying… And unbelievably sexy… I hated her… I hated all of this… But she knew what she was doing.

          “Knew idea!” Kyla yelled.

          My dad paused making out with my girlfriend to hear what she had to say. It was apparent that he was quite fond of her ideas.

          “Okay hear me out. I don’t think it’s completely fair that we are just leaving Tommy out so let’s rearrange.”

          Oh no… She is not that nice.

          “Okay daddy stand up for me. Don’t worry the pretty blonde girl isn’t going anywhere.”

          My dad and Chloe stood up off the bed awaiting instructions my dad’s cock glistening and fully erect.

          “Okay daddy you come over here.” She said guiding him by the dick. “Okay now Chloe. You are responsible for daddy’s big balls okay?” Chloe nodded accepting responsibility. “I’m in charge of the shaft.” She claimed smiling at the massive cock in delight. “And Tommy.” She said turning to me her tits bouncing. “My eyes are up here pervert.” I lifted my eyes quickly feeling oddly guilty… “You are responsible for getting Chloe’s tight little pussy nice wet and ready for daddy’s big fat dick to take to pound town.”


          So as my dad stood Chloe got on her knees underneath him and started touching his balls. I reluctantly got on my back next to Chloe as she lifted up to allow my face under her. I pulled her pink lace underwear aside to get to work, but also made the mistake of leaving my legs open.

          As Kyla made her way to her position she “accidentally” brought her foot up as hard as she could into my junk.

          “Oops.” She said as I moaned in pain.

          No one seemed to notice or care as Chloe’s already drenched pussy was now muffling my mouth causing me to almost drown in her fluids. And my dad was far to busy having his massive cock serviced by these beautiful girls to care.

          As I learned my way around Chloe’s pussy I was starting to realize there were worse things that could happen in this situation so I might as well try my best. I spent the next 5 minutes figuring out what made her moan as she sucked on my dad’s balls.

          Bad idea.

          She forced herself done hard on my face and started violently grinding against me. I was struggling to breath.

          I felt another jolt of pain as Kyla repositioned herself to stand next to my dad “accidentally” stepping directly on my balls again.

          “Oh clumsy me.” Said Kyla. “That’s such bad luck. What are the odds I’d even hit something so small?”

          I was in massive pain and still couldn’t breath as Chloe continued painfully grinding against my face. Until I heard Kyla say something I was glad to hear… For once. Okay that’s enough, get up princess.

          As Chloe stood up and moved out of my view I was about to stand as well when I saw Kyla holding my dad’s slobbery dick over my face. She started shaking it down violently sending a cascade of dick spit down on top of me. I sputtered as Kyla cited, “Cleaning it off a bit to get ready for the main event.”

          I stood up and wiped my now drenched face off on the corner of my dad’s comforter.

          “Buddy.” My dad said noticing me for the first time in forever. “Don’t be gross I just washed that.” He said pulling both girls to either side as they playfully toyed with his cock.

          “Yes sir.” I said.

          “Oh! You should use your pants as a rag Tommy!” Said Kyla laughing.

          I looked at her distraught. Seriously?

          “Yeah take them off babe.” Said Chloe. “Your dad’s not hiding anything and neither should you. Besides you look ridiculous with all that juice on your face.”

          I couldn’t believe my ears.

          “Go on.” Said Kyla all of them looking at me expectantly hands still jerking my dad’s dick.

          I slowly lowered my shorts to my knees then dropped them.

          The room filled with uproarious laughter.

          “OH MY GOD LOOK AT IT?!” Kyla screamed in joy. “Are you sure you’re even related?” She questioned waving my dad’s monster in my direction.

          “I’m sorry babe, but that’s even smaller than I thought earlier.” Said Chloe wiping away tears of laughter. “I mean you see why it’s funny right? Your dad’s just so freaking big.”

          “I’m a little disappointed son, but I always said I’d be there for you. So as long as you need my big dick to fuck your girlfriends I’m here for you.” He said seemingly sincere.

          “Okay let’s go!” Kyla said barely containing her excitement.

          She positioned Chloe so she was sitting in the edge of the bed and took the pleasure of pulling down her panties. She then sat me next to her, and slapped my balls without even pretending it was an accident and then turned around to get the monster.

          She wrapped her hand around my dad’s cock and pulled him forward, as she pushed Chloe back on the bed. Chloe lifted her knees so her pussy was as open and ready as it could be, but Kyla had the button. Her hand still around my dad’s cock she now stood behind him and looked around as she carefully brought it to the entrance of Chloe’s nearly no longer virgin pussy.

          I watched in distress as she pushed forward rubbing the massive head of it on the entrance. Chloe moaned, ready for it.

          This was almost me… Kyla stole this from me.

          Kyla then shoved my dad’s dick into Chloe’s pussy. She screamed throwing her head back as she was broken in for the first time by a massive grown man’s dick. That was it. It was all taken from me now.

          Kyla backed off and let my dad take control of the situation from there. I stared intently down at Chloe as she looked back through tears. As he shoved deeper she screamed, “Yes! Oh my god yes daddy! Fuck me fuck me fuck me!”

          He plunged deeper into her as she moaned in incredible pain and pleasure.

          “Wow. Look at your girlfriend take that man’s dick.” Kyla said in my ear as she sat next to me. “I mean look at how sexy she is. And look at how much she loves that massive cock moving in and out of her.”

          I did watch… I didn’t have a choice.

          “It was obvious to me that some stud was gonna one day fuck her in front of you, but how weird is it that its your dad fucking her?”

          I sat motionless.

          My dad grabbed Chloe’s legs and lifted them up pulling Chloe’s ass up off the bed he continued fucking her holding her legs up in a V.

          It looked unreal. He effortlessly picked her 5 foot 2 inch frame up and fucked her senseless. This 6’3" man, my dad, fucking my 5’2" girlfriend senseless… It felt like a dream.

          My dad let her legs drape down either side of his body as bent over grabbing her around the back and lifted her up. Her arms clung around his neck desperately as his massive dick fucked her while he was standing.

          “Yes daddy! Oh my god! Pick me up! Pick up your baby girl and fuck me!! FUCK!!” She screamed, her body shaking pressed up against my dad’s rock hard body.

          “Look at her Tommy.” Kyla said. “I bet she wanted to fuck your dad the moment she set her eyes on him.”

          “Oh my god yes! I wanted to fuck you the moment I saw you daddy!” She screamed. “I knew your dick was going to be massive and I wanted it inside of me!!”

          All the heart break caught up to me at once. My girlfriend was always going to fuck my dad… No matter what I did… My sweet innocent girlfriend wanted to fuck him all along…

          Kyla laughed hysterically as she got up and pushed the standing fucking duo onto the bed so my dad fell on his back.

          Kyla laid along side my dad and traced her fingers up and down his chest as Chloe rode his dick cowgirl style.

          POP POP POP POP

          She rode him up and down still screaming her praises for his dick.

          • thebigideaguy@lemmynsfw.comOPM
            1 year ago

            “Daddy please fuck me everyday! Please come up stairs everyday and take me from your little bitch son and make him fucking watch you fuck me like he never ever could!!”

            That sent my dad into hyperdrive he started slamming up as she slammed down, liquids were flying every where. Kyla sat up and start playing with Chloe’s tits as the fucking continued.

            “I’m gonna cum!” My dad yelled.

            Chloe started slowing down to get off him, but Kyla grabbed her hips, forcing her back down on my dad’s massive member.

            “No. Let’s see if we can’t give Tommy a new little brother or sister.” She smiled at me.

            It was all over.

            With Kyla’s help forcing Chloe down on the massive cock. Chloe screamed and ear shattering screech as my dad filled her with his cum and there was still plenty. After 8 pushes he was still going hard into her filling her to the brim.

            After he finished he laid motionless, with Chloe collapsed on top of him. His dick still inside her.

            “Look at that Tommy. You just might have a new mommy soon.”

            My face was blank. I just stared horrified at the scene before me. I couldn’t do a thing.

            “Okay.” Kyla said standing up. "Get out. The adults need to prep for round two, and you’re killing the mood. “I can’t have you in here while I fuck your dad. That would be such a turn off. So… Bye bye.”

            In my room I didn’t sleep a bit the sound of flesh slapping against flesh and Kyla and Chloe screaming kept me up. With Kyla yelling extra emphasis towards the end of every fuck fest, “Make Chloe a mommy, daddy! Make Chloe a mommy!”

            The next morning I walked up to my dad’s room hoping it was all just a dream, but Kyla was still there riding my dad’s dick as light started to shine through the window. Chloe was lying next to my dad pressed up against him making out with him. And once again as my dad signaled he was ready to cum Kyla made him hold it until he was inside of Chloe…

            3 months later. I have a new little brother on the way.

            After getting kicked out of her house Chloe now lives here.

            Her and my dad got married…

            Kyla still comes over to taunt me. To make sure I watch.

            My angel fucked before my eyes again and again.

            My new mom…