linked article goes more into specifically chinese americans but I believe analysis should be applicable to other groups of imperial core diaspora. The article is already long, but I think more complete analysis would include mention more recent history & developments, such as dissident industrial complex [related to 6-4 and operation yellowbird, but also beyond], and prominence of FLG cult and integration with US right wing, as well as discussion of religion (per my own experience “church asians” are much more vehemently anti-China, and community or lack thereof is also related to recent decades shuttering of Chinese cultural centers while Chinese language churches have taken up their emptied niche as social centers)
Very good points. I agree the video was rather on the shallow side if you were looking for something deep and analytical. Though i would say that there is a place for this type of video too, as people are often more strongly impacted by hearing personal stories and anecdotes. Objective analysis is vitally important for us as dialectical materialists but we shouldn’t underestimate the value of stories with an emotional appeal when we want to reach and convince regular people.
ive always mantained that the US is the stronghold of the petitbourgeoisie and bourgeoisie of the rest of the world so people should take the opinions of the different diasporas about their countries with a grain of salt.
further discourse for people interested: Can the Chinese Diaspora Speak?
linked article goes more into specifically chinese americans but I believe analysis should be applicable to other groups of imperial core diaspora. The article is already long, but I think more complete analysis would include mention more recent history & developments, such as dissident industrial complex [related to 6-4 and operation yellowbird, but also beyond], and prominence of FLG cult and integration with US right wing, as well as discussion of religion (per my own experience “church asians” are much more vehemently anti-China, and community or lack thereof is also related to recent decades shuttering of Chinese cultural centers while Chinese language churches have taken up their emptied niche as social centers)
Very good points. I agree the video was rather on the shallow side if you were looking for something deep and analytical. Though i would say that there is a place for this type of video too, as people are often more strongly impacted by hearing personal stories and anecdotes. Objective analysis is vitally important for us as dialectical materialists but we shouldn’t underestimate the value of stories with an emotional appeal when we want to reach and convince regular people.
that is an awesome article thanks for sharing it.
ive always mantained that the US is the stronghold of the petitbourgeoisie and bourgeoisie of the rest of the world so people should take the opinions of the different diasporas about their countries with a grain of salt.