HEY! A big thank you to those of you who donated or helped to promote my many posts. I’ll be going in for the prosthetic operation next week and I would like to thank you all for helping me out. This is seriously life changing.
I start my job in a few days but I won’t get my first paycheck for a couple of weeks so I’m asking for $25 to hold me over until then. I hope to come back to this community to help contribute and give back. I owe you all a lot.
Bump amber whataboutism volcel police
نحن شرطة VolCel.بناءا على تعليمات الهيئة لترويج لألعاب الفيديو و النهي عن الجنس نرجوا الإبتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية و الحفاظ على حيواناتكم المنويَّة حتى يوم الحساب. اتقوا الله، إنك لا تراه لكنه يراك.