ID: Photo of a pink felt heart on a slightly paler pink background, overlaying is stylised text: “make the world a better place punch a nazi in their face”
Do I get partial credit if I punch them elsewhere?
I feel like a punch to the liver, throat, kidneys, solar plexus, or right in the dick are all full credit shots.
Bonus points for a roundhouse kick to the gonads
C’s get degrees.
Eh, do what they do, genocide em.
i doubt this will invite them to reflect their ideology
They ain’t gonna argue in good faith so there’s no point talking to them, and just ignoring them doesn’t work. Humiliating them is the best option, and proving they are physically weak is one way to do that. The only other option is to destroy them by any means necessary
Jfc, imagine piping up do defend literal nazis, people who have chosen to follow an ideology dedicated to the extermination of people for who they ARE, and who are actively rounding people up in camps.
Go fuck yourself, collaborator.
Oh, and just fyi:
“Only one thing could have stopped our movement – if our adversaries had understood its principle and from the first day smashed with the utmost brutality the nucleus of our new movement“. - Adolf Hitler
Seriously dude, dial it back. You’ve got spittle flying out of the screen there
I’m not a dude, and you can feel free to go fuck yourself too, bootlicker.
Nah. Being right like that can’t be defeated. Especially not the way you just tried to.
Sounds like the treatment didn’t take, better punch them again.
And this fucker defending them, too…
Nah, now, don’t go all moral absolutism where just because a person isn’t as rabid as you like they’re suddenly an enemy. That’s bullshit thinking.
They didn’t defend a damn thing.
Sorry, all I can hear is gargling boot noises…
Here again, same failure. Keep trying to fail like that. This place will not recognize you sucking fascist cocks as defendable.
Makes me feel better though!
ok, but isn’t the goal the end of fascism?
They didn’t reason themselves into fascism they’re not going to reason their way out either.
Yeah, I respect the principle, but it isn’t realistic.
By the time someone embraces that kind of ideology, you aren’t talking them out of it. And, more important, you aren’t ending the ideology one at a time.
It takes something huge to break through that kind of thinking and built up hate. Yeah, you run into cases of it happening when the nazi/fascist/white supremacist/bigot changes over time when no longer able to have support and has someone guiding them. But that’s not going to end it once it’s an existential threat.
And it is. The ideology was tolerated too long, and supported by people in power. You just don’t have time to talk that away.