I’m frankly amazed it’s not higher…

  • Dearche@lemmy.ca
    16 days ago

    As nice as that sounds, it’s not realistic. Instead, we need to sign tons of trade pacts with other countries. Divert our resources to allies that won’t turn on us, even if we need to subsidize some of it in the short term.

    Rather than denying the US our resources and markets, it’s far better and more concrete to sell what we have to someone else. The US is dependent on our resources to run their economy, but there’s plenty of countries that want them as well. If we can refine our base resources and sell them as valued added products, even better.

    I don’t get whey we sell the US crude when we can refine it all ourselves. Alberta should really be asking why they only have oil workers and not any refiners. Nunavut should be asking why they sell raw diamonds instead of cutting them themselves. We already make and sell high quality steel, aluminum, and uranium. Why not do the same for all the other natural resources we sell? And then sell them to Europe or East Asia instead of the US?

    Europe’s losing access to many of their raw material producers as well as natural gas. Southeast Asia is both short on energy as well as being the fastest growing new producer and markets. And East Asia will always need reliable energy and potash. And then all this applies to India as well, even if there’s some problems with their current government.