The feds have sidestepped the provinces entirely with dental care - payments go from the federal government to dentists (via Sun Life 😂).
I’m pretty sure the dRoP tHe ReD tApE crap the Liberals/Conservatives are doing/proposing are paid directly from federal coffers to municipalities.
I get the Ford hate, I really do, but we’re in a housing crisis. We can’t let neoliberals like Carney and Ford hide behind jurisdiction while they bend over backwards for private companies.
The feds have sidestepped the provinces entirely with dental care - payments go from the federal government to dentists (via Sun Life 😂).
I’m pretty sure the dRoP tHe ReD tApE crap the Liberals/Conservatives are doing/proposing are paid directly from federal coffers to municipalities.
I get the Ford hate, I really do, but we’re in a housing crisis. We can’t let neoliberals like Carney and Ford hide behind jurisdiction while they bend over backwards for private companies.