We must do this, we are causing an increase in sleep deprivation, heart attacks and strokes for no reason.
I really wish this would abolished. Nobody can give me a really good reason why we do it. Just that it has always been done.
This is provincial. Write your mla/mpp/what-have-you.
I’m going to follow my own clock to protest this absurd tango of time.
I just get up whenever the sunrise wakes me
How dare you flaunt this in a world where we have to be places at times and those times change twice a year because some guy thought it might be easier on the candles and then he died.
This again? I really think we have bigger things to worry about.
You’re right. Everybody should be focusing on curing cancer. Nothing else may be done until that is accomplished.
Are you crazy and/or blind? We can’t cure cancer until we end all wars.
Forget about wars until world hunger gets dealt with
What if wars are the cure for cancer? I don’t know of too many people who got blown up by a mortar shell and died of cancer afterwards.