Does being in Hawaii automatically disqualify me from 95% of tech jobs?

    6 days ago

    being a small state, there might not be jobs. and like other said change your resume wording and emails around so it doesnt get caught by a filter of a company. CS in general have very tough time finding jobs, even in the west coast, people at my uni were complaining how hard it is. unless you have 1+year experience prior to graduation it might be difficult. i come from a non-programming field.

    you can try exaggerating some of the experience, if you can back it up, like if you have only 3 months, say you had 6months,and so on.

    ghost jobs has been a thing since 2016 before the AI craze they were already using a very early version of it to screen out people from jobs. if you see certain jobs listing SKILLs you cant get anywhere else, that is a ghost job(they already hired that same person already and just put the listing up on the job sites, to not look discriminatory)

    use different emails, or rotate to different emails every week for each resume. and your resume you might want to look at what you can change(trying to pass off school or non-cs experience,etc)