Province also celebrating recruitment of 1,001 new family doctors in 2 years

Osborne says the province is changing its licensing rules so U.S.-trained doctors can begin practising in B.C. right away, without any need for further assessment, exams or training.

She said there will be a similar scale-back of the barriers facing U.S.-trained nurses and that a marketing campaign will be unveiled in Washington, Oregon and California within the next few months.

    22 hours ago

    We should be testing and getting these doctors and nurses up to speed. “You were a doctor (or any skilled trade) where you came from? Right this way to the exams to test your knowledge. Here are the courses you need to take to be licensed here.” Give em student loans to cover living while getting up to speed. Absolute no brainer, obviously depending where they come from some may need a lot more catch-up than others