gotta wonder why they waited until some special operation… shouldnt being an immigrant be fairly irrelevant if you’re a cruminal?
unless of couse this is just bullshit attempting to disprove the fact that citizens have a higher rate of criminality than immigrants.
No this is a thing in blue states, and not at all related to being a citizen or immigrant. I think they call it “equitive justice” or “progressive prosecution”, either DAs will refuse to charge a POC for a crime due to their race, or judges will waive bail for the same reason.
hahah well, i worked for a court system and that never fucking happened. its all about those numbers, and at no time in my blue state did the da waive off a charge because of their race. they threw everyone they could against the wall.
thats just fucking nonsense
but thats just from my first person experience in the system.