If you actually go join a terrorist organization or fight in another country’s war why would you still expect to be covered by the rights of US citizenship? Do you expect the US to extract the person so they can stand trial?
I’m not saying that’s what happened here. I’m only saying what actually happened makes a difference. To me it sounds more like the kid didn’t really do anything, but it’s just speculation.
Your willingness to justify the extrajudicial murder of children is outstanding. I am not gazing into the abyss. Then again US cops do it too, so it is part of US culture.
Too much ethos. Not enough logos. If you want your ideas to work to a broader audience, you need more logic. Sadly not a lot. But you used too may buzz word ideas without some meat.
I feel like I’ve been pretty explicit that I’m not saying anything either way about this particular case. Facts seem to intentionally be withheld and it’s likely because it’s damning for the US.
The only thing I’ve really said about it is that it’s not necessarily black and white like the article is painting it to be.
He was 16. Do children outside the US not have any rights at all? The US surely acted like it for the past six decades or so.
If you actually go join a terrorist organization or fight in another country’s war why would you still expect to be covered by the rights of US citizenship? Do you expect the US to extract the person so they can stand trial?
I’m not saying that’s what happened here. I’m only saying what actually happened makes a difference. To me it sounds more like the kid didn’t really do anything, but it’s just speculation.
Your willingness to justify the extrajudicial murder of children is outstanding. I am not gazing into the abyss. Then again US cops do it too, so it is part of US culture.
Too much ethos. Not enough logos. If you want your ideas to work to a broader audience, you need more logic. Sadly not a lot. But you used too may buzz word ideas without some meat.
I feel like I’ve been pretty explicit that I’m not saying anything either way about this particular case. Facts seem to intentionally be withheld and it’s likely because it’s damning for the US.
The only thing I’ve really said about it is that it’s not necessarily black and white like the article is painting it to be.