Currently using a 1440p 27", looking at upgrading to a 4K model mostly for dev work. I do occasionally game though but only have an rx6600 which obviously can’t handle native 4K gaming. I’m wondering though if I just make use of FSR/Radeon Super Resolution I should be able to at a minimum get the same picture quality I’m getting right now with no loss in performance. Is that right?
Do you play at native 1440p currently? If you do FSR on the highest setting it should be about 1440p at 4k.
That said I hate using both DLSS/FSR and I’d much rather stick to native 1440p.
Yeah, I play at native 1440p. I only have a 75hz monitor so I’m not getting crazy fps anyway.
From my understanding atleast 1440p or up is the ideal resolution for these technologies to upscale to 4k, but honestly i personally have no idea how it actually looks. I only ever tried fsr on my old vega card once with cyberpunk, but that was 1080p upscaled to 1440p and it looked pretty bad, really had that smeary vaseline look, but like i said, that was a lower resolution and also fsr 1. I think the only way to find out is to see for yourself if you are okay with how it looks. I don’t know if you have the room for it, but maybe you could keep the old 1440p monitor around just for gaming if you end up disliking fsr?
Just be aware FSR isn’t available in all games but needs to be specifically supported, so please check that the games you want to play/benefit from upscaling. You should also be aware that the results from FSR will vary from game to game
An alternative is to switch the resolution down from 4k to 1440p when you game. I do this, setting my living room PC to 1440k on my 4k TV which works well enough but I’m sat some distance from the screen.
Doesn’t Radeon Super Resolution work at the driver level and work with anything? I normally play games on a few year delay so that might be a dealbreaker if not the case
You’re right, my bad. I got RSR mixed up with FSR, that said the results from the former are apparently not as good, so whilst you’d gain performance wise, it might suffer more visually