The last time that happened was 2000 with Bush v Gore. The longstanding notion was that the VP of the current administration should not really “break ranks” with the current administration. It was seen as undermining their boss essentially.
This was in less fucked up times, mind you. But that at one time was how it was “supposed” to work. Personally I’m a firm believer that “that’s how it’s always been done” is fucking stupid.
It’s good to understand why things have been done that way. Sometimes there’s wisdom in the way things have been done, and lessons learned by people who paid real costs to learn them. Sometimes the reasoning is so bad that doing things differently for its own sake is a reasonable decision. You don’t know unless you dig deeper, and not digging deeper on things that matter seems pretty dumb
It’s good to understand, but if the only answer you get is “it’s always been done this way” odds are it’s bad. If there was a good reason, that’s the reason you’d get.
The last time that happened was 2000 with Bush v Gore. The longstanding notion was that the VP of the current administration should not really “break ranks” with the current administration. It was seen as undermining their boss essentially.
This was in less fucked up times, mind you. But that at one time was how it was “supposed” to work. Personally I’m a firm believer that “that’s how it’s always been done” is fucking stupid.
It’s good to understand why things have been done that way. Sometimes there’s wisdom in the way things have been done, and lessons learned by people who paid real costs to learn them. Sometimes the reasoning is so bad that doing things differently for its own sake is a reasonable decision. You don’t know unless you dig deeper, and not digging deeper on things that matter seems pretty dumb
It’s good to understand, but if the only answer you get is “it’s always been done this way” odds are it’s bad. If there was a good reason, that’s the reason you’d get.
Yeah absolutely, not providing a good reason is really easy to do when there isn’t one