Not one major news outlet is covering the destruction of Starlink this summer. Though Lemmy might enjoy Elon losing more money.

    1 year ago

    It doesn’t help OP or the community.

    While I agree with most of what you said, I disagree on this point. Could he have worded it better? Been nicer? Tried understanding OP’s extremely warped perception of reality? Sure, but at the same time, OP set the tone by making an extremely smug, ignorant post. An old adage comes to mind: “arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a chicken - it’s just going to knock all the pieces over, shit all over the board, and strut around like it won.” In cases like that, a stern “fuck off” is not only warranted, but in the best interests of building a healthy community. I want to debate things with people, not play chess against a chicken.

      1 year ago

      OP set the tone by making an extremely smug, ignorant post.

      Neither smugness nor ignorance warrants this kind of response.

      Starting with the latter, someone not knowing something, especially something benign like “Oh, expensive satellites being lost is expected,” is in no world a reason for insulting them or telling them to leave. It’s not like OP is maliciously trying to spread misinformation. They shared news that they thought was a bad look for Elon Musk but actually wasn’t. The appropriate response is a simple correction, not a stern “fuck off”, and definitely not a barrage of personal insults.

      As for smugness, let’s assume that this post was about something that actually showed Elon Musk screwing up. In that case, it being smug would be fine—nay, expected—here. Smug comments against Elon Musk for doing dumb stuff happen all the time, and nobody’s telling the people making those comments to get bent. Here, OP really thought that this was another Elon fail, in which case nobody would be complaining about the tone of the post. So it’s just a matter of OP being wrong and thus the tone not really being appropriate (since Elon isn’t messing up here), not a bad attitude that needs to be shooed away from the community.

      Also, “extremely warped perception of reality”? Come on. It’s just not knowing what losses are expected with satellites.