I just found out that Battle Bit Remastered exists and it supports 254 simultaneous players per game.

I am wondering how that is even possible. Does anyone know of any details on how they achieved it? Are there any resources for making a networking engine capable of supporting that many players?

  • Ananace@lemmy.ananace.dev
    1 year ago

    Honestly, I’d love to see a deeper writeup from the Planetside devs as well.

    I know that games using SpatialOS were able to scale to these numbers, though I don’t know any that posted full numbers or the like.

  • bdiddy@lemmy.one
    1 year ago

    I think a big part of it is the modeling. The maps and characters and vehicles and sprites and everything are fairly bland. So not having to draw tons of triangles for every character I’m sure makes a huge difference.

    From there, no. They haven’t let anyone in on how their network code works. They have supposedly been working on this for 7 years. I’m not sure at what capacity though. Like 7 straight years of full time game dev or 7 years it’s been a hobby that only recently has made it to release.

    I can’t imagine it was easy either way. It’s a fun as hell game.