Most of the memes are fine but for some reason they have one saying either AES or Russia are fascist and we’re evil tankies for critically supporting them. The comments are strange. There’s Communists saying “you sound stupid when you say “tankie”.” And then when they get a reply they’re like “obviously I don’t support AES or Russia, stop grouping me with them.” There are a couple other people defending AES with me in the comments and one is a patsoc 💀.

    1 year ago

    There’s a liberal lurker here who I can see on my alt account on another instance but not from here (weird).

    They said they hope we know Russia isn’t even nominally socialist anymore, here’s my reply.

    We know. News to no one but dementia addled US politicians.

    But we support Russia obviously. Because it’s fighting the evil empire. Because it’s on our side. We didn’t choose that, we have no power to make it so. Russia didn’t even want to choose that. They tried to buddy up with the capitalist west but were rejected multiple times, they’re too big and can’t be subjugated and exploited so they’re a threat that must be fragmented into manageable pieces or isolated. The west chose that. They beat them and backed them into our corner and chained them to us and after the west stabbed them in the back a few times with lies about peace (Minsk agreements, Merkel and Sarkozy admitted they were lies all along) they’ve gotten the message.

    Not that Russia ever really left friendship with the oppressed peoples of the global south. Bucking the US empire and trading goods, cooperation, weapons when the west refused. Call it opportunism or realpolitik, the result not intent is what matters.

    But Russia will just become an evil imperialist empire and replace the US you scream. And that’s why you’re a liberal. They can’t. Idealism, wants, dreams, propaganda do not manifest into reality. The US didn’t will itself into its place by magic. It ascended to it as the result of material and historical forces going back centuries, specifically occupying and subjugating Western European colonial empires after WW2, it took on their power, assumed the reins over them and agreed to share the spoils. Various forces and reasons assure us the US will not hand over its crown to Russia peacefully as Europe did to the US. In fact even now Russia’s resistance, heroic, is inspiring Africans to push the French out. When all is done there will be nothing the west is left holding onto to barter with or hand to Russia, no colonial holdings. Russia cannot simply re-subjugate Africa or Asia or Latin America in a decade once they stand up. The original conditions which led to it don’t exist.