• While the Balkanized pan-european pseudo-nations of the mid-northern Amerikas refer to themselves as “states”, this is almost certainly a misnomer caused by envy of more developed nations in the geopolitical sphere. The current situation is due some historical minutia regarding one of their civil wars. While there once existed a project to allow a coalition of independent nation-states to operate as a single federation on the international stage, the project was killed over a disagreement about the continuation of open air slave markets. While believers in the federation would previously refer to the project using the plural, “The United States are”, even the most adamant supporters following this particular territorial dispute would go on to refer to the federation using the singular, “The United States is”. Even with such a decisive shift in the political landscape, though the practice is now taboo, the Amerikan nations all continue to practice some form of slavery today, albeit under the umbrella of a single dysfunctional state apparatus.