Jotting some quick notes I’ve observed so far from running /m/scifi for a couple of weeks and getting to 3K subscribers:

  • Even though most people will return to Reddit and it’ll be ‘business as usual’ - the seeds of destruction are already in place.
  • No one is coming to a place where there’s nothing to read / think about / interact with
  • The thing that made Reddit great is content - we came there for content. So when it comes to asking ‘how can we grow Kbin?’ the answer is simple: It’s the content, stupid.
  • Reddit has tons of free content - in the spirit of being a #chaoticgood, we can grab the best parts of that content and use it to make Kbin an interesting, thoughtful place to be
  • Creating spaces with well-thought-out rules to encourage inclusivity, collaborate, and mutual respect. It’s working out well for /m/scifi
  • Redditors know what’s up - they’re pissed at Spez but there’s not much they can do about it. They’ll vote with their feet if we give them a new place to come to.


    1 year ago

    And preparing the place means exactly creating posts and commenting. As simple as that.

    It also means subscribing to remote groups so that they federate and populate in advance of more people arriving.