This story takes place near the end of my sophomore year of college. I was studying civil engineering, and my friend Kayla was studying Architectural engineering (it’s basically architecture, but you have to do more math). I know a lot of you guys are gonna be suspicious and say this is fake because there’s no way there was one, let alone TWO women majoring in engineering. All I can say to that is that there are lots of us women in engineering - you just never notice because we’re always at the top of the curve!!!

It being near the end of the semester we had a bunch of big projects going on. I had a big group project that I was the leader of and Kayla had her own project where she had to design a building, so obviously we were both swamped. Luckily our engineering building had a bunch of 24 hour computer labs at our disposal, so we were able to stay up as late as we wanted contemplating how we were going to fail and have to drop out!!

One night a few days before our final projects were due Kayla and I were there super late. The way the labs worked the university police would come through around midnight and check on everybody and then every couple hours or so they would do patrols to make sure everyone was alright. It’s also important to note that our lab had a few sections - so there was a door that opened up into a room with a bunch of computers and tables and then there was a wall that went across most of the room and then there were some more tables and computers and then another wall from the other side and more computers and tables (I hope I explained that good enough lol).

So on this particular night we were all the way at the back of the lab. We knew it would be a long one so we intentionally chose the best spot with the most privacy so we could really spread out and dig in for the long haul. I think we got there around 7 pm, right after dinner and as the night went on we gradually heard more and more people start to funnel out until around midnight I went the bathroom and didn’t see anyone else in the lab with us anymore - not a problem, we just kept working.

Campus police come around and we chat for a bit but then we’re right back to it. At this point it is the early hours of the morning and we are starting to get a little delusional. I notice Kayla, who is usually laser focused, is starting to spend some more time on her phone, and I keep tabbing away to look at stupid stuff on Reddit and we’re getting off track.

Eventually we start to talk some more about our projects and what we’re doing. She starts showing me her project - which is learn is supposed to be a library. I make a comment about how it’s some weird dome shape that doesn’t really seem like it would be very efficient for storing books in, and kinda looks like a nipple. She isn’t a huge fan of this, and makes a rude remark about how “all engineers are so boring and just want square buildings everywhere” - and she’s not wrong.

We start play fighting a little and doing some light hitting back and forth. Until all of the sudden she leans in and plants a kiss on my lips.

I. Am. Shocked. I don’t know if it was the tiredness, or what but I seriously never saw it coming.

She pulls back with the cutest little nervous look on her face, biting her lower lip and I was just so into her. I reached out for her hand and started to pull her in for probably what is still today the most passionate romantic kisses I’ve ever had. Feeling the press of her right body against mine and her racing heart awoke something truly animalistic in me.

I pulled away and cleaned a spot on the table in front of me - just large enough for her cute little ass, and then I gestures towards it. She giggled and hopped up on the desk, and I leaned in and delved deep into her mouth with my tongue. Our tongues explored and sparred and did elaborate dances in our mouths until I knew she was begging for more. Lucky for her so was I!

I reached down to the hem of her shirt, lifting it up just slightly and then making eye contact with her. She gave me a nod, and so I slowly started to move the shirt over her head revealing a cute sports bra over her tiny tits. I tossed the shirt to the side and started to fell all over her tummy and chest. Taking in ever bump on her smooth skin and tracing one finger forward and back.

She giggled - great she was liking this!!! I had never really been with a girl before, and to be honest I had no idea what I was doing. I knew what some boyfriends had done that turned me on in the past, but really that was it. I knew I had to go for broke here and try something crazy!

I leaned in for another big kiss and reached down and pulled her top over her head and right as I get the hands under them I hear foot steps outside the room!

We panic - I run to grab Kayla’s shirt, she dives under the table, and we end up in quite the commotion right as one of the campus police officers rounds the corner to check.

He takes one look at us, and does a complete 180 and leaves lol. I don’t know if it was too much paperwork, or he just didn’t even want to know, but I’m so grateful because I don’t know how I would have explained it in the end.

After that we got cleaned up and left pretty quick. We ended up getting a lot further in our next adventure, but I’ll have to save that for another time!!!

Sorry if this was too much build up and not enough excitement - I just thought it would be fun to share!!

Let me know if you’ve had a similar experience or if you wanna hear more stories about a girl trying to figure herself out in college!!

<3 Mads

    1 year ago

    I’m convinced this is real because there are two female engineers who are doing really well in school and they’re fucking each other and don’t know how bell curves work. Anybody who’s been to engineering school for more than three semesters has met these people. Some of us have been these people

    1 year ago

    Sorry. Couldn’t resist. Have to ask.

    Top of the bell curve is … kind of average. Is that what you mean?